Uniformation GKtwo - BEST 3D Printer 2023 - Uniformation GK TWO Review

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"FauxGK2150" - $150-off a GKTWO Printer
"FauxGK2150" - $150-off a GKTWO with Wash an Cure

Well, the time has come - this is one that many people have been excited to watch! and yes, this is 20 minutes of me gushing over this printer? Why? The print quality is only on par with other printers I've reviewed of late... Well, watch the video to find out, because it's not about what it does, but how it does it!

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BUY the Uniformation GKTWO Here

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I love how it has a heated vault by default, it's something that every resin printer should have


I love that your not chasing the trend of over hyping the importance of raw speed or getting the smallest pixel size. Your videos make me remember that i don’t have microscope for eyes and that we have hit a point with printers where now we need to be adding quality of life features and this printer is all about that!


Brilliant shift towards usable feature improvements instead of chasing 12k. I have been really interested in starting with the Saturn 8k, but this has so many more features like a heated cab system. Would love to print ornithological specimens like skeletal models


Never 3D printed before but I've really wanted to get into printing and painting minis for a while now - the idea of having actual models of monsters and my players characters in DnD instead of drink cans for large enemies and 10+ y/o warhammer minis for the rest of them sounds awesome


I've only just got into 3D printing (almost 2 months) and this is the most invested I've ever been in a hobby! Now trying to learn blender so I can one day print a mini I've designed 🤗Fully captured my attention!
I'd love to print some anime dioramas on this beast!

Great review with all the information you need about an amazing printer 👍


Incredible! Uniformation has implemented many of the features the community has been pining for in a resin printer. They're setting the bar high. Awesome review!


I feel like the resin 3d printer industry has been stagnant these past few years, with only a slight increase in quality and a few gimmicks that don't help much or improve usability for those just getting into the hobby. Glad to see that Uniformation has brought some good quality of life upgrades, and it would be great to have one to try out!


This is definitely a printer i am absolutely excited about. I would print tons of things, but most definitely the 3D models that i sculpt for games.
Man your review made me want to get a resin 3D printer even more!


2 months later and a total noob to 3D printing now is in possession of a GKtwo. Now bear in mind I have no prior experience or knowledge and everything 3D printing and slicing etc is essentially witchcraft. Diary:
Day 1) Print some flat plate things at different exposures from about 2s to 0.75 and they all look the same to me - at least this thing prints
Day 2) Print a 28mm sister of battle at about 0.3 mm layer height and either 1 or 1.7 exposure time, not sure - either way turns out amazing but takes about 6 hours yikes.
Day 3) 6+ hours for a mini seems a bit crap for something supposed to be quick, I'm heating the resin to 30 degrees after all, but no clue what settings to use since noone will ever post useful settings on the web that I can find which is ultra annoying so just guessing here - decide to try a cones of calibration - FAILURE - sticks to build plate
Day 4) Not sure why cones failed - decide to try again at 1 sec 5mm and it comes out fine, with just some failure cones showing a bit of over exposure...
Day 5) Try cones at .075s exposure time - total failure. Decide cones is a lost cause try a full mini build plate at 0.75s and total failure.
Day 6) Realise NFEP is now buggered - have a spare so watch Uniformation tutorial on replacing it - replace Nfep, seems a bit loose but maybe that will mean less failures due to things sticking to it.
Day 7) Try printing another cone at 0.75s exposure time (bane of my printer it seems), and come back to find resin spilling out the machine, basically everywhere (luckily too k advice from YT videos and have the printer sitting on a rubber pet food mat with outside lip to contain messes) - hurriedly cancel the build and try to clean it up (water washable so there is that). Learn how to take out the 8k screen to check if anything has gone in and totalled my machine - luckily not yet, manage to clean it up with only a drip I can see having gone down the hole where the LCD ribbon goes - try to get what I can with an earbud. - Watch replacing NFEP video again and realise they turned the gasket upside down off camera before fixing to the tray and never bothered to mention it - somewhat annoyed and hoping my machine still works.
Day 8) Try replacing NFEP again now knowing I need to flip the gasket before attaching to the tray - makes total sense once you know how, now seems tight as a drum - quietly hopeful this will work along with the printer not being borked after only printing 1 sister. Print a new model at 0.3mm 1.5s exposure time using the slicer that came with the GKtwo this time as some poeple reckon you get better results, and boom it worked great, which means a) my printer is still alive and works and b) I still need to work out how to dial this thing in properly. With the latest model (awesome space trader from raging heroes - great if you like SoB) I realised that if you have the option of support 'on everywhere' it will add supports even to a previously supported model which meant mine turned out as basically a mess of 90% supports with about 10% of a model hidden in there somewhere. The model was very detailed, the supports I printed were insane which meant I clipped through a cane she was supposed to be holding as it looked the same as the other 367 supports surrounding it - so lesson learned there folks, don't use supports everywhere with the GKTwo supplied slicer for pre-supported models.
It's been about a week and I can honestly say... it's been emotional.


Thank you Ross, the day you published the video comparing a couple of other resin printers I made up my mind and was about to order the Saturn 2, but I decided to wait a few days to check the comment section for any feedback and other peoples' opinions.
Very glad I did because you said to wait for an upcoming video (this one). This one convinced me and I ordered the GKtwo the day you uploaded this video.
Thank you for teaming up with Uniformation and providing us with that $60 discount code, that + free shipping saved me so much money: I got it for $840 while Amazon lists it for $1100 where I live.

Today, some 3 weeks later, I finally received it. It's my first printer and I think I purchased the best resin printer for the consumer market right now.


Recently back into miniature painting after starting collecting 35 years ago. Really excited to be able to print some of the amazing sculpts I've bought STLs for, once I can afford a printer (or win one of course).
Been a little daunted by the complexities of resin printing, but videos and reviews like this have boosted my confidence greatly.


I've still not jumped into 3d printing, but keep seeing so many awesome sculpts available as STLs I'm sure it's only a matter of time. This one looks fantastic mate! I love that little gnome that comes with this, that would defo be my first model! Best part of the review was the opening of the box of green light and that look back at the camera though 😂🙌


I've been eyeballing this printer for a while now and I hope to get it as my next resin printer. It's features address a bunch of obnoxious issues I've been dealing with my current printer. Also, idk if you have used UVTools but I would look forward to a video covering this printer and how tuneable it is.


Great video! Beacuse of the built in air filter and heater makes to look like the best begginer friendly choice.

I've started the whole miniatures hobby to paint minis, then I got into the gaming and since then I collecting proxys to print then paint them when I'll get a 3D printer. 🙂


The unbiased nature of your reviews, sticking to your personal experiences with the product really makes these stand out from the crowd of others.


My partner loves to draw original 3d characters, and this machine would actually bring her creations to life without all the hassle that comes with other printers.


Thanks for reviewing this printer and like others I love the included heated chamber!


Looks like we are finally seeing some actual innovations in resin printing that are affordable.


I’ve been printing for 6 months now and it’s been one of the best purchases I’ve ever made.
