Is Gargling With Salt Water A Remedy For Sore Throat? | BYJU'S Fun Facts
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You must have heard of a lot of home remedies for sore throat, the most common one being gargling with lukewarm saltwater. But have you ever wondered why? Well, gargling with saline solution inhibits bacterial growth in your throat, and flushes out the bacteria and viruses that are causing the infection. The salt helps in drawing out the fluid from the swollen cells and relieves us of our pain through a process called ‘osmosis’. But, how does osmosis work? How does salt draw out the fluid from a swollen cell? Watch this video and learn everything about osmosis and how it helps cure sore throats.
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Do you know of any other home remedy which also works on the biological process of osmosis? Let us know in the comment section below.
Video Chapters
0:00 - 0:54 Introduction
0:55 - 2:25 Why warm saline water acts the way it does
2:26 - 4:45 What is osmosis
#sorethoats #salinewater #homeremedy #osmosis #learnwithbyjus #byjusfunfacts #garglingwithsaltwater #saltwaterforsorethoats
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Do you know of any other home remedy which also works on the biological process of osmosis? Let us know in the comment section below.
Video Chapters
0:00 - 0:54 Introduction
0:55 - 2:25 Why warm saline water acts the way it does
2:26 - 4:45 What is osmosis
#sorethoats #salinewater #homeremedy #osmosis #learnwithbyjus #byjusfunfacts #garglingwithsaltwater #saltwaterforsorethoats