What was Halo: ODST trying to say?

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The music in this video is from the Halo 3: ODST OST by Marty O'Donnel
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Sorry it took so long to get a new vid up guys. December had a lot of stuff going on that I'd rather not get into publicly. Nothing bad though! Much love ♥️


"Veterans are gonna get misty eyed about your actions" *cut to a clip of master chief defiling several covenant corpses with his tea bags*


That police officer is kinda hilarious to me, like what did he expect trying to boss around and kill an ODST?


To add to the religious layers. The music in the live action trailer for Halo ODST is a old poem in my people's language (Welsh).
It's mainly about defying death and 'jumping feet first' into 'Annwn'
'Annwn' is my people's pre-christian equivalent of Heaven or Hell, depending on who you ask.
Great video, I didn't recognise the religious references until now.


I remember getting an Xbox and *almost* all the halo games for Christmas and playing the hell out of them and having a blast. But I noticed that there was one that I didn’t have, ODST. So I asked my grandma for it for Christmas and after going to her house for breakfast I went back home and before I put the disc in the Xbox I thought “hmm should probably turn off the lights.” And something kinda beautiful happened. I played what would become my favorite game and would lead me to become a musician and love that too. ODST is the most out there game in the series, and it’s great.


My god this game, this was the first game that I felt was just “yes this is a great game and it is my favourite” before that I was just kinda “I like all these”. One of the best soundtracks I’ve ever heard too second only to night in the woods.


Holy shit, Bungie was really ahead of their time when making this game. Easily the most interesting, unique, in-depth analysis I've heard anyone do for ODST. Until watching this, I never would've even realized that the game had such a deep story like this.


"The reason they make him into a Jesus allegory is clever because Master Chief is that badass" has to be one of the most unintentionally funny things I've heard.


Guess this just adds another meaning to the ODSTs' nickname "Helljumpers"


ODST is easily my favorite of any Halo game, it came to me at just the right time and I sat through the entire game in one session, starting from the late night and going to the early dawn. I wholeheartedly believe it has the best soundtrack of any Halo game, just hearing Deference for Darkness come on is enough to bring me to tears, something that happened many times throughout my time playing the game. The game is just so fucking good at establishing a mood and an atmosphere that embraces you and never lets go. Beyond happy that you are talking about it all these years later, not enough people mention it when talking about the Halo series.


15:07 "I'll talk about these runes in a moment"
>proceeds to not mention the runes again


Props to Bungie for making two of the most memorable, atmospheric, and well told stories in FPS history back to back


Literally my only issue with the video is that ODST's aren't higher ranks, they're basically special forces. Other than that, honestly this video is a masterpiece.


Seeing something related to ODST makes me feel sad and angry at 343, they shouldn't have done dirty to the player character Rookie, true we didn't had a clear connection with him or had enough time to for one compared to the other faceless but beloved player character, noble six, but still it was our avatar, our vessel on that phase of the game story


"I'll say something about his game that nobody else did" this summed up my reason of subscription. keep thems good content coming. i love new perspectives.


loved that there were moments that you could ambust the enemies as they sleeped, heck the sleeping enemies were a great detail to both humanize the comeant and to show just how much of a losing battle that occupating alien troopers were camping out in the city.


to add to the point that we needed to be reminded how dangerous and overpowering the covenant was, I feel like reach really nailed that feeling in perfectly. the whole campaign was basically showing us that even with spartans the covenant could crush humans into dust, and that the best we could do was small scale guerilla missions. when you go back to the original trilogy you get reminded of how badass master chief really is.


NGL the thumbnail is utterly beautiful, please make sure to thank whoever made it (unless it’s you) because it’s probably the best one yet.


The ODST audio logs where the first time in a game I was desperate to find all the logs. The story was so gripping and how you could see it's effects in the game, really made for good content.


When I played through ODST again recently, I thought a lot about how ballsy it was for Bungie to make it's story unfulfilling for most people.

If you don't get (and listen to) every audio log, which I didn't manage despite searching hard for them, you're left with a noir detective story where the detective fails. You move on, just another grunt, with loads of questions and the distinct feeling that something's missing. It fits the tone of the game perfectly, and I respect the hell out of Bungie for doing it, but I get why a lot of people felt a bit cheated.
