Breaking Gender Stereotypes: Modern Women Breaking the Mold

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What’s the problem with a couple both working and taking turns cooking and cleaning every day? What is the big deal? Stop making problems where there are none. Any mature man who sees his wife working hard all day just like him is going to offer to cook a meal every now and then to make it easier for her. It’s love. Stop treating relationships like a business arrangement.


"How dare a hard working citizen be tired after work!" 😐


I work a hard physically labour job 10-12 hours a day, spring-fall, and i go home and cook myself a healthy balanced meal every single day for myself. It's not that hard to both work and cook. This is just some excuse for being lazy.


I stay home with the baby’s and send the kids off the school and make sure my man has his lunch for work and supper for everyone when they come home and then take care of all of them to get them off to bed and repeat and I do all of this with a part time job and school while being at home 😅 I am tired and exhausted but I have a duty and roles to play and if I can’t keep my household running then what makes you think I can keep my life running? So the people that complain they can’t do a job and do all the extra stuff then I really think you need to get used to being alone bro.


I think it's important to point out that most women are not working like men. Working a sales job in air conditioning is not the same as welding pipe together in the mud.
Some women work in the trades most don't it's by choice.
Not saying jobs don't come with their own unique challenges but it's not the same


Funny, womans that doesn't work 8-5 talking about how a worker woman must feel. Society my fellas