The Geometry of Music

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What does a rectangle sound like? A square, a circle, a pentagon? This short video introduces the geometry of music.
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This is the BEST visual representation of this I've ever seen, mind blown


@30 seconds: "The 12 points of a dodecagon" align perfectly with the numbers on the face of a clock - and these mathematical principles are also true for our chemical elements.


A great presentation! I've worked on a similar project for years. However, for accuracy, we must set an exact wavelength (nanometers), which can be determined with lasers. Surprisingly, the 3 primary colors of light do NOT form an equilateral triangle, but closely correspond the the numbers 12, 4 ad 7 on a clock, with 12 being pure red, and form a major triad! Your colors are extremely close to the named notes, with C being green. Keep up this fascinating work!


This just changed my life. I'm an ADHD-based musician, who struggles with connecting music theory into my way of understanding. Perfect explanation of perspective and connecting math to creative work.


Loving this, for I cannot imagined this World, without the presence of music in life ❤❤❤


THIS! I've been waiting for a good sound mathematical video about music. As far as I'm concerned word like 'major', 'minor', 'sharp', 'flat' only confuse the issue. To me, there are only steps and patterns around the wheel. This video does an excellent job of showing how frequencies are related to make pleasing structures. I might suggest showing how the 0-4-7 combination (major) and the 0-5-8 combo(minor) are really just mirrors about the vertical axis. Also, maybe show how the 'church' scales are related by simply rotating the major wheel.


You know your favourite artist is good when they bring you here.


If you make an equilateral triangle or square and then rotate it, something amazing happens. You discover that there are only four unique augmented chords and three unique diminished 7 chords because their intervals are equally spaced.


Holy COW. About 3 years ago, I had a waking vision of Pythagoras pointing out this exact concept, with the addition of musical frequencies aligning with the 7 colors of ROYGBIV. Furthermore, the shapes illustrated in your video align perfectly with what are called "Grand Aspects" in astrology. Needless to say, all of this stuff is related, and it blew my mind when I had that revelation.
Awesome video!


I was searching mathematical music theory out of curiosity and this is the basic yet the best explanation so far


LOVE your site. I'm just learning to play a keyboard (repertoire limited to Freres Jacques, Mussels, and Cockles, etc..) I find it so fascinating that music has so many mathematical, almost mystical components.


This visual system makes a lot more sense than our current method of notating chords. It should become a standard chord notation method. Recognize the shape, recognize the kind of chord to play. Observe its angle in the wheel, know what key it is. Easy. This is the method I would choose to teach our 12 tone musical system to an alien race. It's very logical and representational.


Thanks a lot for saving my life, i was getting tagged as insane by my musician friends saying that I am thinking absurd, i wish to collaborate with you guys, i am looking forward to develop a unique data structure that can develop into a machine learning model and analyse a given piece of music into a mathematical expression, which can be further analysed with the human cognition system and deduce the impact of the music on the brain and it's cognitive reactions. Great research by you guys. Thanks 🙏


this video is 7+ years old and shine like new


Great one! Didn’t think of the tones on a wheel with geometric shapes - makes better sense than my piano training (memory practice) Thanks :)


I've only just come across this introductory video.... subscribed and will begin following this channel. Looking forward...🙏


A very nice, elegant video. Music is number made audible.


Absolutely Amazing. Please Keep Doing These Great Videos Thank You


Thank you for this video, you are showing to the world what many of us could only see in our harmonic eye.

As with all things that build our “reality” this is truly beautiful to the eye (as an observer) and enriching to the whole of existence.

It is quite fallacious for me the say this
(though I feel it apropos)
:everything is everything

If one can learn to understand the wave and frequency, they will then have the key to understanding whole of all things and the how of all things.

Truly beautiful, thank you:)


I was studying Ptolemy in college (great books program) and I remember our professor showing us how musical intervals somehow match up with the planets and their orbits as well. If someone knows what I am talking about I would love to know where I can read and learn more about that.
