The Near-Death Experience Deception

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Torah based Life Coaching:
In this teaching, Brother Eli carefully responds to a question that was asked by a brave Christian when faced with the fact that all the so-called historical evidence for the existence of Jesus has already been proven to be fraudulent. Now he only believes in the Jesus that often appears in near-death experiences.
The question is, “What about near-death experiences? Don’t they prove the existence of Jesus?”
Hold on to your seats because we are in for a wild ride as we unravel the last thread that is keeping this brave Christian stuck in idolatry.
0:00 – Intro
02:33 – What is a near-death experience (NDE)?
10:20 – Do people having NDEs meet their dead friends and relatives?
11:48 – Do people having NDEs really leave their bodies?
16:55 – Do NDEs prove the existence of Jesus?
24:23 – Who or what is the light that is often seen in NDEs?
31:46 – Conclusion
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