Forget about OAuth 2.0. Here comes OAuth 2.1 - Philippe De Ryck - NDC Oslo 2022

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If you’ve ever looked at OAuth 2.0, you may be less than excited to hear about yet another OAuth version. Fortunately, OAuth 2.1 is a logical progression from OAuth 2.0, which significantly reduces the complexity of the OAuth ecosystem.
In this session, you will learn about the differences between OAuth 2.0 and OAuth 2.1. We dive into concrete scenarios supported by OAuth 2.1 and how you can leverage them in your applications. By the end of this session, you will have a clear idea of what OAuth 2.1 entails and how to follow current best practices to build a secure application architecture.
Check out more of our featured speakers and talks at
In this session, you will learn about the differences between OAuth 2.0 and OAuth 2.1. We dive into concrete scenarios supported by OAuth 2.1 and how you can leverage them in your applications. By the end of this session, you will have a clear idea of what OAuth 2.1 entails and how to follow current best practices to build a secure application architecture.
Check out more of our featured speakers and talks at
Forget about OAuth 2.0. Here comes OAuth 2.1 - Philippe De Ryck - NDC Oslo 2022
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