How to fall in love with reading (& how to make time for it)

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Instagram: dakota__warren
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my tip: Teach and remind yourself that your opinion and feelings about a book are valid and they matter. You are intelligent enough to find value in any book as long as you look for it. You do not have to understand every single aspect of a book while you are reading it or at all really. A lovely thing about books is that it occupies your mind a lot of the time I will be walking in the crisp winter air or having a hot shower or making a coffee and I will suddenly come to an understanding about a book I am reading.

You are worthy of the intellectual and immersive and special experience literature offers regardless of your amount of intelligence. Books will teach you empathy towards others and compassion towards yourself and open your mind up to a new way of seeing people and the world.

Books listened and heard me when no other human would. If you are reading this I hope you end up having the same experience.


weirdly, reading multiple books at once really helped me. when i got tired of one book, i could pick up a completely different genre. i typically switch between 3 or so at once, every couple of days


I have similar tips:

If you’re not enjoying the book you’re reading, drop it ! I’ve read 100pgs of a book only to realize It’s not for me. Life’s too short to not enjoy what you’re reading.

Don’t feel pressured to read classics, they’re not for everyone. Some are more challenging than others so, if you’d like, give some a try. See what works for you.

Set a time to read. Try to read at that same time every day, whether it’s 30 mins or two hours. Do nothing else during that time but read. Set boundaries and respect that time, it’s yours to escape. No phone. No computer. Take a short break if you need it.


It’s so important to enjoy what you read bc if you don’t you’ll have to force yourself which just takes all the fun out


You did it D, you added oxygen to my lately low lit flame for reading. I've always adored reading but life often gets in the way. Also, thank you for getting me into classics! I don't think I'll ever go back! I also love poetry and you've inspired me to upload more of mine to youtube, thank you for that 🤍


Background music and ambience makes all the difference for me - classical light or dark academia playlists on YouTube are game changing. Some books are just different moods. Some make sense to read when it’s light out, others at night. By candlelight is usually my preference, and picking a scent that goes with the book!!! No one said I can’t have this much fun while reading


hi anyone whos suffering thru a reading slump, i was in one last month and just finally got back on it and personally here's what helped

1. getting off social media (or whatever you've been spending most time on) - i found myself going deep into social media again every day, which made me so uninterested in reading. i try to not scroll so much on insta or twitter OR making sure im looking at content related to literature, art, books etc.
2. be able to SLOW DOWN. i think reading slumps happen bc i just dont want to slow down, sit and slowly enjoy a book and id rather do other things like scroll through tiktok which seem easy and fast to entertain. to get over this, i usually watch reading vlogs/book hauls etc, i watch normal daily vlogs which seem to be slow paced and just focusing on gentle slow living etc. it helps to clear my mind and all.
3. choose a more fast paced/"entertaining" book to get you back. when i was younger, reading lighthearted romance on wattpad was my favourite. so i picked a contemporary romance novel which i knew would make me emotionally invested.


this is EXACTLY the kind of video i need rn i’m trying to get back into reading but i’m lazy, have finals coming up and spend too much time on my phone


when i was younger, about 12, i was playing on my mums phone and i found a character quiz. i decided to take and the result was any march from little women. i’d never read it, and was immediately intrigued so i decided to get it out of my library. finding a character i related to already really helped me get back into reading, and since then every now and again i’ll do another quiz and find another character to read about


You are the reason why I fell back in love with reading, I went from reading 3 books a year to reading 40 last year, I'm now reading a 600 page book which I wouldn't have done 2 years ago so thank you so so much!


"I like my literature to look and feel loved, in order for me to love it more" is such an unconventional and interesting method to love a book!! My friends and family, who read, tend to keep their books in a pristine condition (idk how!) and it somehow led me into believing that that's the proper way to express appreciation of books, whereas I personally like to annotate directly on the pages (rather than sticky notes) which makes them cringe every time, thanks for the validation!!


Having accounts like goodreads and story graph helped me get recommendations for books and help me keep track of my progress! I also 100% agree if you don’t like a book…. Put it down. This was something that took me a while to learn but i get all my books from the library now and I no longer feel guilt when I don’t like something and have to return it :) this practice makes finding a book you love so much more valuable IMO <3


i just got back into reading over the christmas holidays and it's helped me so much already. it's defiantly something to help you unwind. opening my books to where i left off brings me so much relief, especially amid a school year jam-packed with exams. i also just pre-ordered your book and that's definitely helped cement my rediscovered enthusiasm for literature. thank you for another amazing video !! :)


Honestly just hearing you talk about literature with such love makes me fall in love with books even more, to the point where i have to go and pick up a book right away :) Thank you for this video, sending this beautiful positive energy our way!


I love the fact that I've done all of these already. Last year around this time I had been trying to get out of a reading slump I'd been in for years. I subscribed to book-talk channels, made a TBR and followed through on the list. I also didn't read anything I didn't like. I didn't want anything to hurt my already waning desire for reading. I fell deep into books again, and I've improved tons in both reading and writing over the last year.


Pov: You are spiderman and Gwen Stacy tells you how to fall in love with reading/literature


to fall in love with reading, I just gotta quote what Ethan Hawke said; "read the books that you want to read not what you should read" then I think, personally, how to make reading a habit and preventing reading slump is: read books from library. I found it quite effective to push me into finishing four books in a week and rushing to return it before the due date hahaha


As an Asian middle class teenage girl aspiring for this kind of life Dakota has, it's so hard for me to find time and to enjoy books. I'm still a minor and finding jobs is so hard for me just so that I could spoil myself by buying books or crystals or something related to the coquette aesthetic. I read using my phone which makes me sad because I want to feel what other readers feel when they have their physical books in their own hands, I'm quite envious of people who can afford books. And It's also hard for me to make time and read books because Asian households are very busy and also because of school. I just spend half of my time in TikTok scrolling for hours. I decided to start fresh this year, to get my grades back up and to fall in love with reading again. I really hope my passion with reading comes back again 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much Dakota and I love with all my heart ❤️❤️❤️✨✨


I read out loud every night with a friend on video chat. It's the best experience of my life, and makes reading less boring.


I realized that what I like about you is that you have kind of a nostalgic/sad feeling to your reads and appearances but that in fact you deeply love life. I find it beautiful.
