Is Brutalism as Ugly as it Seems?

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Brutalism, an architectural movement born in the post-World War II era. Starting with Moshe Safdie's iconic Habitat 67 in Montreal, we travel to Boston City Hall, notable for its urban rejuvenation, and then to the striking Geisel Library in San Diego. We'll also explore London's Barbican Centre and Estate, a symbol of post-war resurgence, before ending our tour at the unique Bank of Georgia in Tbilisi. Join us as we uncover the raw beauty and functional principle inherent in Brutalist architecture, a significant movement shaped by necessity and resilience. #shorts

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Brutalist structures look amazing when combined with plants and greenery.


architects love to built buildings they'd never live in


Brutalism is so ugly and feels out of place


Having a brutalist home mixed with abundant nature and water would be so interesting


Brutalism is my favourite style, and one I’d happily live out my days it. The harsh lines and materials, the almost dystopian feeling. It feeds my every love of architecture.
Brutalism my beloved


I feel like Brutalism might be something an occupational power would build on their satellite state's territory to let them know their place. _"We make sure you survive but don't expect any other favors from us"_


One of the things that strikes me about Brutalism is the hypocrisy.
Because you know that the architect would never design his own house or apartment building in this style. So it's the do as I say not as I do school of thought.


Brutalist architecture was made to make people feel small and insignificant.

It was meant to make people Focus more on community and themselves opposed to the environment.

It was also quite practical at the time large population booms were happening all across the world and people needed cheap affordable housing and it worked for a time.

But as time moved on the flat concrete buildings became dirty and they were seeing less as cheap housing and more as depressing slums.


I've loved this stuff all my life. Some of the examples in this short though are Modernist but not Brutalist.


there is beautiful and ugly brutalism. look at a nice example in Lisbon: Gulbenkian Foundation


Ironic how i hate sharp edges as they make me uncomfortable but i find brutalism the most beautiful architecture


I love brutalism. If you do too, I suggest that you read BLAME! or Girls’ Last Tour.


Brutalism is good when it's done with actual style and peculiarness, a mistique of mystery of intrigue coming out of them, as if you're living in a dystopia. Plus they're cheap. There are plenty of examples in this video and on the internet that shows this architecture's beauty.

Brutalism and basically any other architecture is only ugly when it's used in a building's that's literally just a plain cube.

I'd even like to live in one, I honestly feel depressed living in traditional buildings, they're just red brick cubes with more cubicles in them, and for the glass building's, they're just plain boring. I don't understand how people are getting bored over a structure they've never seen in their life.

This video is just plain misleading though, added with the music and black and white, it takes away all of the aesthetic with ANY type of architecture or art. Plus some of these are modernist, not brutalist.


Brutalism was meant to be intimidatinf and awe inspiring, which is why the societs used them for goverment buildings and collective housing. Homes werent usually brutalist because the point of brutalism is the grand scale


I feel one thing. Depression. I hate brutalism


A nearby university campus had its music and theater departments in Brutalist style buildings. The contrast between the performing arts center and the rest of the campus was so jarring that the buildings were eventually covered in ceramic tiles to hide the distinctive poured concrete feature. In another college campus in the neighboring state, the entire campus is in Brutalist style and it is much more appealing due to the design of the various buildings. Much depends on the architect's vision.


Reminds me of the architecture in a manga artist called tsutomu Nihei's work. Especially in his first series, "Blame!"


some of them are quite appealing if circumscribed to just volumetrics misxe with a dash of modernism.


I feel joy, happiness and love. A joy so free, it cares not what others think. A happiness so true, you smile in the face of the ordinary, and a love so profound you are enthralled by it only.


brutalism is anti-humane. It lacks the colour, details, and human scale that people need. It is different to see it on the web or to visit these buildings as a tourist than having to live or work in or around them.
