Dying from a Broken Heart

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My dad absolutely died of a broken heart. He lived 15 miserable months after losing my mom to stomach cancer. He didn't lock doors, didn't eat right, didn't bathe, didn't care about anyone or anything. They had been married 67 years. Even more proof of this phenomenon is my mother-in-law who died just nine days after my father-in-law. They had been married 64 years, and she had been his primary caregiver through years of dementia and Alzheimer's. The day after Dad died, Mom started saying, "Just let me sleep." Finally, in nine days, she did. I am a big believer in broken heart syndrome.


Just a quick correction, Debbie Reynolds died 1 day after Carrie Fisher and yes I do believe it was due to the shock and a broken heart.


I am a mortician, and we have seen many times that spouses die with hours of each other. I just had a case where the husband died and within 1/2 hour of him being taken into our care, she had a massive stroke and passed away around 17 hours later. The family had a double funeral service. It was surreal to see two hearses and two caskets, very emotional


I worked with a woman who taught over 40 years. She just loved teaching kids to read teaching was her whole life. She wasn’t married she didn’t have kids. She got let go, and six months later she died. I really think she had such a love of teaching specially reading that she was lost after that.


Jimmy Carter had said he wanted to see his wife off safely before he died. I would imagine he’s now ready.


I almost lost my Mama this way in '92. Her husband John passed, but she still had her little dog, TeeTee, a dog that they both loved and spoiled, to comfort her. Then one month later Teetee had a seizure and she died. That was it. My mom couldn't go in her bedroom, eat, or change clothes. She just laid on the couch. Her skin color was gray, which really scared us. Her best friend went out and bought her another dog of the same breed- pomeranian- and Mama wasn't sure at first. Then the puppy, GeeGee, sniffed something that made her sneeze. Mama swiftly picked her up and took her to the bedroom. She lived another 17 years


my cat died and my chest hurts from it.. 🤷 Grief is very physical as well


Debbie Reynolds died the day after her daughter's death, as she was planning Carrie's funeral with her son. Not months. One day. Shattered heart. A neighbor of mine, someone I cared for a bit and loved, died a day after her twin brother died. These things are profound, aren't they?


My grandparents were married nearly 79 years when she died in the summer of 1993. My grandfather refused to go to her funeral. He moped for a few months…and he told the nurses one day, “I’m going to see my baby (his wife) and I’m going tonight” and he died. He was 98.


I hope I don't get judged for this but I think I almost died when my beloved pet cat Benny died November 21/19. Ben had been my closest friend, my fuzzy soul mate and sat with me through 2 years of cancer treatments. I cannot express in words how devastated I was when he had a stroke at age 19 and I had to have him put to sleep. I wanted to die myself. Seriously. I walked around in a daze for weeks afterward. I had a weird situation happen. I didn't want to be on the planet anymore; I wanted to be with Ben. I felt 'detached' from earth, like I was walking between two universes, searching for Ben. How I survived that I'll never know, but I do believe there are other universes and we will see our loved ones again. I cling to that hope.


I had a heart attack from brokenheart syndrome.
I didn't believe my docs when they told me .
I had never heard of it before.
My husband abandoned me after 8 years of marriage for another woman with money .
I lost weight and was sick all the time after he left .
I loved him that much .
I weighed 83 lbs at the time of my heart attack and my nerves were shot .
My heart couldn't take it and let me know that it was time I started getting over him .
Yes there is a condition called brokenheart syndrome I'm living proof of it ..


After my fiance passed, my heart rate went from 70bpm to 180bpm. I'm surprised I didn't die. I didn't have health insurance. I wasn't suicidal, but I wanted to be with him, wherever he is.


I knew a woman in her late forties. When she got the message, that her son, who was a sailor, died in a foreign country, she started screaming and suddenly dropped to the floor. Dead. He was her one and only, she had no other family left and it was just like her heart exploded.


I had an ex-boyfriend from 2007 who was a "fish observer." That's a professional job where the fish observer goes out on shipping vessels and "polices" what fish they take in on board. Making sure they are following laws to not take in various species or too much of one kind. etc. Keith Granger Davis died in Oct 2015 off of Peru, South America. Staff on board said that he fell overboard, but Keith's Dad had communication with his son online that said that Keith was not comfortable with the ship staff. Body never found. His SUPER SWEET father died within a short time of Keith's death. The Dad was BEYOND devastated. They lived together in Concho, Arizona when Keith wasn't working his world wide fishing observer jobs. So insanely sad as they were both amazing people! Info can be found online of the details of this horrific death. Dying from a broken heart is real and Keith's Dad is proof. Both would have lived a long time together in their house in Concho, AZ if it weren't for his stressful, dangerous job as a "Fish Observer" protecting our oceanic wildlife.


My parents are 94 years young and have been married 69 years. Mom is a registered nurse who devoted her entire life to raising 5 children and supporting my dad’s business. They are beginning to show “wear and tear” as they kindly call it. They have both said they want to die in their sleep side by side, holding hands. I truly see this happening for them. If one does pass first, the other will soon after of “a broken heart.” 💔


My mother and father-in-law, both on hospice in different facilities, died on same day in Feb.2017. Ma heard Dad died late morning. 5 of her 6 children visited her that afternoon. She then heard from her last child, from out of town, by phone, around 5pm and she died shortly after around 7pm. One could not live without the other. They were together and knew no other for 67 years.


I lost my wife almost 3 years ago. I now take a hart drug. I miss her every day. I talk to her all the time and I do most of the things we had talked about doing when we both retired. I retired 30 days after I lost her. She told me I was young enough that if I got a girlfriend she was OK with that even if I married her. At 63 I told her that would not happen and it has not. I think the only reason I am still alive is the promise I made to her to spend time with kids and grand kids.


My grandmother died of a broken heart. My grandfather had a heart attack and my seemingly healthy grandmother died a week later.


It was reported that the last time Jimmy left the hospital he said he would never go back, because he wanted to be with Rosalyn, and that was why he arranged home hospice care.


I believe that HRH Queen E II died of a broken heart or at least it made her immune system fail enough to let bone cancer take over. I predicted she would pass with in 2 years- it only took 18 months. My own beloved in-laws died 6 months apart in 1993. She unexpectedly went first, 12 years his junior, no one saw it coming. He followed 6 months later. at 82. When she passed, I had an 18 month old and was 6 months pregnant with our son. She did not want me to experience the stress of her passing in my condition. I ended up going to her. right before she passed My father in-law, other family and friends all had been they're most of the day. When I arrived, they took a break to get some food. My father-in-law would not leave. She was not conscious, and on a lot of machines. We talked about the memories we all had and at some point, I just knew she was gone. it was just the two of us so I thought someone would come soon and check on us. No one came in the room to check. It went on for what seemed like a very long time- but was probably only 12 or so minutes. I could feel her in the room. I'd like to think she knew I was there for George and that I would take good care of him, so she finally let go. The hard part was telling my father in law. I told him I wanted to go to the nurses to check on her. He was so upset. It broke my heart. I promised myself that I would do what ever it took to help him. I watched him spiral down. With a new born and a 2 year old, I felt like I had three children. He was gone with-in 6 month. I did my best, but he just missed her so much. I believe he died of a broken heart.
