Proof Open Carry is a Bad Idea: Into the Fray Episode 114

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Here is a short video proving beyond any doubt that open carry is a bad idea. The criminal got the gun and was gone before anyone realized what was going on. Don't give criminals the chance, conceal your firearm.

#Guns #USCCA #Guns #USCCA
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open carry is just be aware of your surroundings..


I always shake my head when I hear "open carry makes you a target". Really? So criminals are only looking for those they know are armed? They never go after those who they think are unarmed?

Perhaps the criminal sees an open carrier, decides not to risk it, and goes after someone he thinks is unarmed, a concealed carrier. Well, what now? What did the concealed firearm do for you in that instance? Made you a target.


Wait a minute, the United States Concealed Carry Association has come out with a video claiming OPEN Carry is a bad idea. Who didn't see that one coming?

It appears the guy in the video has a holster that is inappropriate for open carry. If you are going to open carry then use a Level 2 or Level 3 holster to prevent the snatch and grab.


Open carry may be your only option. There is nothing wrong with open carry. You should use a retention holster and stay alert


That gun wasn't holstered, it was hanging out of his rear pocket.


As gun owners and advocates we should still fight to keep open carry legal.


"Into the Fray Episode 115: Calling One Example "Proof" is a Bad Idea

Anti gunners can probably find 1 example of a conceal carry gone wrong and call it "Proof" guns are bad.

2. How would having a backup gun help the guy in this example? Should he go after they bad guy and shoot him?


This is just my opinion. l've been open carrying for almost 10 years now. no problems.
Sorry guys, we are Our Own Worst Enemy. If you want a concealed carry do so. If you want to open carry do so.


I open carry in a Safari land ALS holster level III. The gun is going NOWHERE unless I want it to. That kid would have had a very bad day.


Disagree 💯 percent.... open carry with a proper holster and situational awareness are key. Just like all other gun facts, proper training is critical... and always carry a backup 🤪🤷‍♂️


I have to agree with Shane . . . open carry isn't the issue, proper retention is. You do have a good point in that if a bad guy sees someone open carrying, they have the opportunity to formulate either an attack plan (unlikely) or a deferment plan.


I never thought open carry was a good idea personally but I support the right. IMO the element of surprise is your greatest and most effective tactic as a legally armed civilian.


Too one sided argument. There are times when it works,
what if I'm on my property?
On a long hike in the woods?
Don't want to give the anti's any ground here.


I open carry every day and will continue to do so. I am more aware of my surroundings and alert of my personal space. If you're going to open carry be aware and invest in a good holster and practice practice practice!!!!


. This guy deserved to lose his gun, and is lucky nothing worse happened.  At the least, the guy could use a handgun retention class and better situational awareness.  I'm not a fan of many retention holsters, but if I were to open carry in crowds of people, I'd get a good one and train with it...cops use them for a reason.


Kevin I open carry most of the time. I've never had a problem but I also use a thumb break holster, plus cause I use a shoulder holster and I'm a larger size guy getting my firearms is next to impossible.


Firstly, this is NOT a "troll" statement. I support the USCCA's desire of keeping people safe. I think you provide a good service toward the public and I thank you. In contrast, presumptuous arrogance does ignore deterrence and is NOT the pinnacle of being safe. You said it yourself. Situational awareness is essential in open-carry. "Casual Casey" should NOT been open carrying with no protocol relative of that environment! One video and you claim ALL deterrent which is unrecorded is invalid? You pretend you KNOW the data of how many incidents it does deter? Check with the Holy Ghost for some unseen data. We have standing VISIBLE police forces and armies, which offer some deterrence.


If you open carry and do not use a good quality, i.e. no Blackhawk Serpas, retention holster; don't cry about it getting stolen.
Personally I use a Safariland retention holster when I OC, which is rare.


Twenty five years of personal daily open carry says different. I have only found ten instances of open carry failures, but way more concealed carry failures.
Concealed carry is what criminals do.


I don't often open, but a active retention holster is a must. I only use passive retention holster's at the range.
