iPhone 11 in 2023 - Should You Still Buy it?

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iPhone 11 has been out since 2019 and is no longer sold with the new iPhone 14, 14 Pro or 14 Pro Max on the Apple website or Apple stores. In this video I go over all the features, battery life and more of iPhone 11, how it compares to iPhone 14 Pro Max, and help you decide if you should keep your iPhone 11 or buy iPhone 11 in 2023. #iPhone11 #iPhone #Apple

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00:00 - Intro
00:26 - Price and Where To Buy
00:44 - Design
01:55 - Size
02:20 - Display
03:17 - HDR
03:53 - PWM
04:41 - Battery
05:56 - Speed and Performance
07:21 - Front Camera
08:53 - Reception and 5G
09:32 - IP Rating
10:06 - iOS 17 Updates and beyond
10:46 - Should You Still Buy iPhone 11?
12:04 - Conclusion
12:27 - Outro

iOS 17 Features - 10+ Apple Needs to Make It Perfect

*Gear I use*


🎶 Outro Music: “Halos” by Yung Logos - Available in the YouTube Create Audio Library

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What phone are you using right now? Thanks for watching, it is always appreciated.


Thought I’d switch from 11 Pro this year but honestly this thing is still rock solid and there is nothing I’d consider important that I’m currently missing out from newer phones.


I still use my black iPhone 11 256gb for almost 4 years and it still rocks like a champ. Despite some micro scratches, it still looks great. I never put a screen protector on it and never use a case. Also never dropped my phone, not even once. Battery health is 91% which is crazy. This phone is a tank! Still gonna use it for another 2-3 years as long as this phone gets iOS 17 and more, i won't upgrade. It's still fast and the camera's are amazing quality especially when recording video. Still happy with my iPhone 11❤


Both of my teens have an iPhone 11 but I got them in 2020. They’re still working great and my daughter is very distracted with her phone. She drops it constantly but there’s only like two deep scratches on the screen but you can still use it is still very functionable, I would say it’s a very quality phone to purchase


I recently rebought the iPhone 11 for myself due to PWM issues. I tried the iPhone 14 plus with no luck. Previous iPhones like 11 pro 12s 13s where a big no for me. even the 14 pro versions caused me problems. The regular 14 plus was a little bit better however the eyestrain after 3.5 weeks was not worth it for me. I rather have comfort than luxury. We stare at our devices all day. Might as well buy a device that works without pain. The SE 3rd gen looks too outdated for me. 5G is not really that much worth it and fast in my area anyway. So iPhone 11 until eol and it breaks for me.


I just bought an 11 last week to replace my 13 mini. The OLED was giving me the most intense headaches, which are now gone. The 11 is just as good as any other phone they’ve released since, there’s absolutely no difference in performance that I’ve noticed.


I gave my mom my old iPhone 11 and got the battery replaced and it works just as good as the day I got it. Very solid phone, although i do notice a slight slowness compared to my iPhone 13 Pro


I’m using 11 pm and I’m so happy with it in terms of design and comfort holding it for long time comparing to the new square design which is uncomfortable.


I bought a refurbished 11 four months ago, and I’m very happy with it. I was upgrading from an 8, so it was a major improvement. Paid $340 for it on Amazon. It’s a great phone for me, and I’ll probably be using it for two or three years at least.


The iPhone 11 is still good, if you don’t care about 5G, 120 Hz refresh rate or a telephoto camera, , I would definitely still purchase this phone.


Today my iPhone 11 completed 3 years and it works still as new the only thing depletes is Battery Health as it is at 88% now but i don't face any issue with efficiency and backup as i get almost 1 day, well as i am a normal user my phone does not have any games installed in it but i often use it for calls and social media and it works buttery smooth, well i want to upgrade to iPhone 13 mini just because of its form factor and iPhone 11 is comfortable to use without case or with only ultra slim case otherwise use the easy to hold phones like 12 and 13 mini are better options available but that doesn't mean 11 is not good, it's great till you want to switch from Round edges to Flat and also 5G is your priority rest all u don't miss much in real life. 👍


I've had my 11 since release, and there's still not a single thing "wrong" with it. battery health has depleted a little, but I use it pretty frequently so I can't complain as it still holds charge for almost an entire day. camera is still quality, not as new as the 14 pro but still takes some solid pictures! for the price of today's phones, this is a great option. I could see it lasting another 2-3 years honestly, but I really want that deep purple 14 pro 😭😭


My biggest mistake was to upgrade from the 11 pro max to the 14 pro max. The 14 has too many issues that I didn’t have on my 11 😢


I changed it’s baterry recently and it still rocks. I have this phone since 2019. Greetings from Romania ❤🎉


As an iPhone 11 user, PLEASE DO NOT buy this phone if you like gaming. Battery only lasts 3 ish hours if you use it for gaming. Apart from that, the phone does the job but honestly, you could buy iphone 13s for under 600 which is an absolute powerhouse of a phone.


I still have my black iPhone 11 64GB. I am writing this comment on it. Works good like the first day, battery health is 80%, has iOS 16.2. Great video recording (videos on my channel are recorded with it), great chip (CPU and GPU), fast video rendering speed. Battery still good even with less capacity. Apple knows how to make a great phone. I have also iPhone SE 64GB 2016 that still works fine 😀


the selfie-camera of the iP14pm is so abysmal bad, someone use it? extreme over-sharpened and to much contrast, very bad for a selfie.


beside the camera resolution the 14pm is so much worst then the 11-series, so not worth to uprade


I got my iPhone 11 based off of your review comparing it to the 12. I went into the store around when the 12 launched and said nope I want the 11. I get migraines really easily so the screen is super important and I really do think it makes a difference!
Thank you so much I will be holding on to my phone for a lot longer!


I have the 11 new for like four weeks now I’m loving it no problems with it. 64Gb
