The Ultimate FLIGHT SIM JOYSTICK? Logitech 3D Pro

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Can the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick make you a better pilot? How can you use a flight sim to improve your flying? I test the Extreme 3D Pro with XPlane 11 to see if it helps with my general handling and Instrument Flying shooting the ILS at Avalon Airport. How does the joystick handle hand flying an ILS approach?

Enjoy this Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick Review, perhaps the best cheap joystick for flight sims.

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Bro, you opened that package like a savage - like a vegetarian assaulting an avocado.


USB-A plugs are designed to never be the right way up the first time you try to plug it in. haha


I've had the same joystick as you since 2006. Seeing yours made me think "So that's what color it is."


Basic sim setups make you work a lot harder to make up for the lack of normal controls usually available to you in the cockpit, which is great cause it will force you to improve your scan rate! It’s great fun to set zero visibility and fly an ils all the way to touch down and see if you can get it on the runway....keeping up with those twitchy needles the closer you get gets very challenging, failing an engine in a twin makes it even more exciting! Home flight sims are so useful!


I also have the Logitech 3Dpro at the age of 12 and I’m very satisfied


I had 8 Logitech 3D Pro joy sticks that went though 5 years of aviation summer camps with 8 to 14 year olds. Then 7 years of high school aviation program. They were used a lot. I still have them all and still works great. Can't beat it for the price.


You can edit the response curves with linear and non linear for the joystick sometimes its too sensitive and sometimes its lacking sensitivity you can adjust this by reducing the gradient of the curve. Helped me alot bc flying the 777 and C172 is soo different


if you want a left handed joystick i can really reccomend the thrustmaster t16000m joystick, it allows you to make it a left or right handed joystick


This joystick has been designed for the right hand!


I've used one of these Joysticks for a few years now along with the Flight Sim built into Google Earth. Great combination for practice flying a navigation exercise or for familiarising yourself when planning to fly to a new location! It even has a SR22 built into it!


i literally have this for about 10 years now, most of the buttons still work. :D


"Older style USB" haha your hilarious.

PC master race!


There is one trick this joystick played on me when I was practicing before my first flight as a student. Yaw axis control. To turn right you need to turn joystick clockwise. Seems logical. I got used to this wery well after many hours in simulator. But when I got in the real airplane and used rudder pedals for turning I got confused... To turn right you move your right foot forward, left goes backwards... which is counter-clockwise! Intuitive direction of steering is exactly opposite from what you have on joystick. As a result it took me more that one lesson to unlearn this and start steering correctly. So my advice for anyone planning on using this kind of joystick - also buy pedals.


Thank you for the honest reivew. I'm joing the world of sim avation, and hopefully one day get my license.


This is exactly the video I needed to see, thank you!


I bought one of these probably over 10 years ago. Almost gave it away but decided just to hold on to it, and I'm glad I did now. I've been thinking about getting Flight Simulator and hopefully this will work with the game.


This guy really just promoted the Logitech 3d pro in 2020, what a concept 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Good to see we both are using the same joystick 😁 Great video Stef!


We used these Logitech JS back in the BF1942 days, good family of joysticks, my wife likes 3D Pro, (for planes), I prefer the Wingman Extreme, it has better side throttle position IMHO (helicopters).

Both our nearly twenty year old Logitechs are still working perfectly in 2021.


I had one of these joysticks and it was a disaster. After about a year it started developing creep in the rudder (twist) function. No amount of calibration would solve this. I had to disassemble it and rig up something to rotate the potentiometer enough to get the rudder to centre properly. Over time, even that started to fail. Two other friends of mine developed the same problem as well. One started developing problems barely two months into ownership, the other had it develop after about a year. I subsequently replaced it with a Saitek AV8R-01 and that was brilliant...until one of the throttle controls started to fail too...sigh. Anyway, enjoy your joystick, but don't be surprised if problems start to develop before too long.
