The Definitive 2023 HOTAS Buyer's Guide!

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Also covers flight sticks! Includes: VKB Gladiator NXT EVO, X-52 (PRO), Thustmaster t16000m and Warthog, Turtle Beach VelocityOne, Logitech X-56, Winwing Orion2, Virpil Constellation Alpha, MongoosT-50 CM3 Throttle, VKB Omnithrottle, Gunfighter Mk IV Ultimate, STECS Mini/Plus/Standard/Max

Thanks to jubuttib for providing the image of the printed base plate.

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00:00 Intro
00:46 Summary
02:39 The most important part
04:20 Logitech Extreme 3D Pro
04:58 Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas
05:40 T16000m FCS
06:59 Turtle Beach VelocityOne Flight Stick
08:17 Logitech X-52 and X-52 Pro
09:22 VKB Gladiator NXT EVO Standard
10:50 Logitech X-56 Rhino
11:45 VKB Gladiator NXT EVO Premium
12:00 Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS
12:41 WinWing Orion2 Metal Warthog System
13:46 Virpil Constellation Alpha Prime & CM3 Throttle
14:47 VKB Gunfighter MKIV Ultimate & STECS Throttle
15:40 Recommendations for each budget!
20:18 Important notice before you buy!
21:14 Upgrade paths
22:26 Data spreadsheet
Рекомендации по теме

- The Thrustmaster Warthog grip fits on a Virpil gimbal without adapters (thx @delayed_control)
- The Gunfighter MKIV Ultimate has optional twist (thx @HerrMatthias)
- The rapid fire trigger of the Gladiator Premium is a trigger that can be pushed and pulled (Thanks @jubuttib)
- The Gladiator with omni module probably is the best right handed throttle unit on the market right now and also quite affordable (Thanks @jubuttib)
- The Gladiator comes with 3 different springs (soft, intermediate, hard) instead of 2 (Thanks @det.bullock4461)
- The Gladiator's mini stick and throttle use potentiometers and are not contactless (Thanks @det.bullock4461)
- these potentiometers are of high quality though and only very rarely a case of complaint (VKB support)
- If you're looking for an ultra high end solution with force feedback, check out the brand "Brunner" (thanks @smaxfpv1337)
- also check out the VPForce base. It's compatible with most higher end grips (thanks @Tonyyfox)
- The T.Flight HOTAS X has worse precision and a different PCB than the ONE or the 4 (thanks @michaely6665)
- You can soften the spring of the VelocityOne a bit by slightly losening the four screws on the metal plate holding it (thanks @Jarvice)
- The X52 actually has a pincer gimbal with a center top spring (Thanks @supercoolstar2356)
- If you value toughness over anything else then check the CH Products stick and throttle (thanks @ sahhull)


Oh my god, this format of buyer's guide is the best I've ever seen. Thank you for putting all that together. Very clear, concise, helping with decisionmaking.


Hands down the best review of HOTAS options and recommendations on the net. Thank you!


this is literally the best review/buyer's guide video for any product on youtube. its too comprehensive and goes over and above in every way that I can imagine. love your dedication.


Your explanation of the gimbal/important part is absolutely priceless for those of us that didn’t know. Very good breakdown. Thanks to you I’m celebrating my birthday with a new Gladiator NXT premium to replace the used X52 I got a while back. Looking forward to upgrading my throttle at some point too. Great job!


With no doubt. thats the best guide for flight Sticks on Youtube so far. Not too short, not too long and explaining why the cheap sticks are not durable.
Special thanks to your links. US and Germany/EU. There are US-Shops and EU/German shops in the description. Well done! I am searching one for SC and Your video helped me a lot!


As Thrustmaster T16k user, I can add its alright set if you can get it discounted and you're fine with occasional wrenching on it. Mentioned greasing of throttle and pedal sliders aside (silicone grease with PTFE additive works just fine), potentiometers do pick up dirt, thus occasional blast of compressed air or contact cleaner are a given to get them back into action, long term solution being replacing pots with magnetic sensors.


Wow you explained exactly my upgrade path with path number one. I'm currently rocking a VKB Gladiator Premium with a STECS Standard and T-Rudder MK IV petals. Couldn't be happier with any of it. You were spot on with all the gear I've personally used. Great vid MYSH
P.S. If you have access to a 3D printer, DIY-ing an IR head tracker is the way to go!


Phenomenal reviews and video! I am currently flying DCS with an old X56 and looking to upgrade. This video lays out all the options and is a must watch for any flight sim enthusiast who wants to know what the landscape is like. Thank you and subscribed!


Dude this video has such sick quality i am astonished!


If I could subscribe a thousand times, I would. Excellent interactive and comprehensive guide, thank you very much for this video!


I have the T.16000M/FCS/Pedals pack. Got it for around $350 CAD at Canada Computers a year ago. It has served me well in DCS, XPlane and MSFS. It's a great starter HOTAS and I do recommend using pedals and only using the twist stick as a nosewheel tiller in both civil and military simulators and the joystick throttle slider as a zoom control or for other engine control or flight control surface axis (i.e. propeller/mixture, speedbrake, etc).


This was SO well done. Thank you for all the information!


This is one of the best buyers guides I've ever watched. Not just for flight sticks, in general. It's simple, concise and includes all of the important stuff like upgrade paths etc. AND ALL OF THAT IN JUST 20 MINUTES?? I mean cmon 👏👏👏👏👏


thank you SO much! I watched this video some time ago now and this is how I ended up choosing the winwing HOTAS. I didn't even know winwing was a thing till I saw your video. I'm really enjoying my setup now. Thanks again for making this video. It is extremely underrated and more people need to see this.


I am a total biginer in this janra but after watching this video I feel like i have the best info to make the proper choice.
Thank you very much !

I just started playing Elite Dangerous, and even if it is repetitive I just like flying from point A to B, simple and fun. I have searched a lot of videos online, but you explain it so well ! Cheers


Easily the best video on this topic. This is going to help me make an informed decision. Well done!


Great Review. I had an X52 System for the last 15 years. It served me well because it was the only real HOTAS that was in a normal price range at the time I bought it. I had it stored away for a couple of months and started playing DCS last year. Unfortunately, the B Button was kaputt, the soft plastic started to desolve into goo and I had issues with axis precision. So I went looking for the last joystick I will ever buy. I knew that the plastic X52 was not what I wanted again, so the Pro and the X56 went out the window as well. The real Warthog was priced just above 450 bucks and for that money you get the WinWing Orion 2 EX with the F/A-18 Throttle.

As a guy that started using Joysticks in the 80s, this thing was a revelation. Built like a tank, and in direct comparison to X56 and Warthog so much more value for your money. Very precise and no, you can never have to many buttons when playing DCS. I also looked at Virpil but the cost was between 600-700 for a similar system, VKB did not deliver to Switzerland at that point. If you play with the thought of buying a starter stick...go for it and try out if you even like games like DCS and upgrade later. If you are in the market for a mid tier stick 200-350 bucks...please save three more months and go for the Orion2.


Thanks for this guide. While I still haven't made up my mind, I finally have an understanding of what I'm getting with each of these products, all packed into a 22 minute video. Amazing job!


Thanks a lot!!! Ordered Thrustmaster T-16000M FCS HOTAS for first HOTAS, later will decide. Your video was very helpful! Best regards.
