Deepest Sleep Music 432Hz | Soothing Sleep Meditation | Delta Waves Healing | Deep Energy Cleanse

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Sleep Music with the 528Hz Solfeggio Frequency and 1.5Hz Delta Waves.
❀ Delta Binaural Beats ❀
✓ Deep relaxation of body and mind (as in REM sleep)
✓ Revitalizing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Aura
✓ Enhances Inner peace & balance
✓ Release of Anti-Aging Hormones
✓ Decrease cortisol (stress hormone associated with illness)
✓ One may experience deep bliss in delta meditations
✓ Healing physical injuries
✓ Restore and reinvigorate prana (life energy)
✓ Boosting the immune system
✓ A deeper connection to self
✓ Sharpens intuition
✓ Releasing Human growth hormone (bone, muscle and body growth)

❀ 528Hz Solfeggio Frequency ❀
Resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 528Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each other and Mother Earth.

❀ 432Hz Music ❀
Resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 432Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each other and Mother Earth.

❀ Healing Sleep Music Shop ❀
You can download our music for FREE if you want to.
Or you can literally choose the amount you want to give for it.

❀ Need Music For Your Projects? ❀

❀ Healing Sleep Tones ❀
Know that you are appreciated and always welcome here. We are here to be of service to you and to our world by sharing Healing Sleep Music charged with Loving Intentions, healing frequencies, binaural beats; Supporting your body and brain to activate your innate ability and blueprint for natural, healthy and healing sleep patterns now. When sleep is natural and automatic, life is easier. The positive ripple effect is huge. We care about you. We don´t need to know you to care. We are here on this journey together.

Sleep allows your Soul to travel out of your body back “home” to recharge, cleanse and bring back into your body pure cosmic life-force. As well as bringing more balance, clarity, and alignment to your coming day.

May these tones and frequencies nourish your body, mind, and Soul - and lull you into the deepest rejuvenating and healing sleep yet.

Infinite Peace & Love to you.

💙 💙 💙
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Beautiful Soul 💜Deep Gratitude to you for choosing to be here.
“There is only the understanding of the thing that needs to be taught to every child on the planet, and that is the knowledge that every single individual on this planet is already powerful as he or she needs to be to create any reality desired, without having to hurt yourself, or anyone else, to get it. That’s how powerful you are.” - Bashar

Infinite Love & Kindness to you and to all 💜


Beautiful music, calm and soothing, transforming and creating miracles ✨❤💖💕♥❣❤🎊🎉


Life is like a piano, happiness are the white keys and sadness are the black keys, over the time you learn that the black keys make music too


This is so peaceful and relaxing! Thank you Healing Sleep Tones!

From "Good night" to "Good day", carry those cares and troubles away to starry skies, the Universe will shine so bright and with Love and kiss my tears tenderly and make any sadness fade, drift off to sleep, dream, awaken, see, and look within, for all is going to be okay🙏✨🌌💖


Thank you, Beautiful Soul, for the empowering message and enchanting, sparkly video 🙏💛✨💜✨✨


Thank you for this soothing upload. I love the visuals! Be well everybody, Voytek


Every time I have been feeling down and depressed when I go to bed, I listen to this and wake up so much happier


I feel so blessed to be listening to this!


Buena música. Saludos y Bendiciones desde Panamá.


Vergangenes Jahr verstarb meine liebe Frau in meinen Armen, welche ich über 10 Jahre pflegte, da sie ein Pflegefall wurde.Seit dieser Zeit bin ich einsam und alleine und wollte schon aus lauter Trauer Suizid begehen
Heute hatte ich das erste erlösende Lächeln im Gesicht voller Lebenslust.Ich hatte mir gestern die Musik den ganzen Tag angehört und auch heute wieder und bin dabei eingeschlafen auf meinem Sofa.
Vielen, vielen herzlichen Dank für das einstellen hier!!!
Ich könnte die ganze Welt umarmen so glücklich bin ich über diesen wundersamen Wechsel in meinem Körper!
Ich grüße alle welche hier die Kommentare lesen und wünsche Ihnen alles Glück und Freude für ein wohlwollendes Leben!
Vielen, vielen Dank !!!
Leider kann ich kein Englisch ....


Grateful 🤗🙏❣️ I awake every day with a peace and calm. So grateful 🙏❣️


STOP!!! now that I have your attention I just wanted to say that I love you and that I hope that you manifest your wildest dreams and live a healthy life full of abundance, gratitude, and joy :) <3


Hi beautiful people, if you are here your nearly there lets awaken and pass on the good word to the next generation...believe in your feelings 🥰


Thanks for all of my nights sleeping peacefully and travelling across dreamland...


Gracias por ayudarme a Dormir 😴
Con tan bella Música !!
Bendiciones 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Blessings to come to everyone who takes time out to read this 💯😴


My wife and daughters... [her = 34 / my girls = 10 & 9] have gotten board of baby Mozart.. lol 😂 so they have been searching and searching... every single night they (have to - love to) meditate to fall asleep... and they are picky.. one woke up and said oh mommy I slept so good with this music... It made me wake up happy 🙏🏼


Beautiful relaxing music 🎶 thank you I love it 🥰 ♥️♥️


This video is It helped me fall asleep REALLY fast!❤️😁💤


I notice all of your thumbnail pictures are purple. Is there a reason for that? Its my favorite color and I love your videos, by the way! 💖💖💖💖💖
