Human Population Impacts

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015 - Human Population Impacts

In this video Paul Andersen talks about the impacts of human growth on the environment and on themselves. The population, affluence, and destructive technology of a population impact the environment according to the IPAT equation. An analogous model is the ecological footprint which increases with development of a nation. Large economies contribute to resource use and habitat destruction. However small economies can lead to problems like disease and hunger.

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Artist: CosmicD
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Title: String Theory
Artist: Herman Jolly

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Don't you just love when your teacher assigns you an AP science video playlist when you're not even in AP science?


Who else is getting forced to watch this for online schooling 😒


great video :) i'm from UAE, I can see what you said and it's really bad ! we need to start working harder for our environment..


You sir are an awesome man for these videos. Really helping me along! Thank you sir


You are a Leader in making science education easy to understand. Your technique and process is the best going on Youtube. I have learned much in the past several months since I first found your vides - I await for more in the future. Enjoy your time off; and, you are welcome.


I can't help but think we and the environment would be much better off long-term with just 1-2 billion people - not sure how to quickly get there though.


According to the economist-Simon Kuznets, the population increases the consumption of environmental resources with the advancement of civilization, but it is not an exponential process. The consumption of the environment increases only up to a certain moment when the environment becomes a value in itself instead of only a factor enabling development. After reaching this point, the resource consumption decreases. The curve in the shape of an inverted "U" is called the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). The historical values ​​of sulfur dioxide emissions, for example, are in line with the course of the Kuzniec curve.
According to the physicist - David Deutsch - the only "resource" that is needed for humanity to survive in the long term is intelligence and knowledge, while the availability of natural resources depends solely on the finiteness of the universe. Deutsch notes that since extinction of species is a phenomenon that occurs all the time, the only survival option for humanity is the use of the only feature that distinguishes it from other species - or intelligence. The solution is not limiting the level of industrial production, postulated by movements of sustainable development (eg the Kyoto Protocol for global warming), because it will degrade everything that we define as the achievements of civilization and will be a catastrophe in itself. In particular, it will make it impossible to stop the potentially negative effects of global warming.
-Hans Rosling- believes that population growth is not a threat but a chance for humanity. Rosling, studying demographic and social changes in the history of mankind, shows that periods of rapid, exponential population growth are short-lived (on a historical scale) and slow down after a given population reaches a certain level of civilization (which is observed in developed societies). Rosling also indicates that during the twentieth century, the quality of life of almost all populations in the world has improved significantly, not decreased, while the fertility rate decreased, which in 1963 was on average 5 children per mother, and in 2012 only 2.5 children per mother. Rosling also conducted knowledge on overpopulation - in the United Kingdom, the majority of respondents, including people with higher education, reported drastically inflated fertility rates, which Rosling says indicates that the problem of overpopulation is mainly the problem of perception in developed Western societies, not a real problem in developing countries, such as Bangladesh (fertility at 2.5). According to Rosling, this fall in fertility, with the simultaneous extension of life, is also one of the most important demographic changes in the history of mankind.


There are citys built in Africa TV has made ppl think that theres just desert and ppl staving


I really appreciated these video, thank you man


Shout out sa PSU student na nanunuod nito.🤣☺️ mag aral kayo ng mabuti para sa future


Actually in UAE, they started working on the problem from 2008. And they made it, the first city that works on renewable energy! Its called Masdar City, check it out. And there's a lot of investment in the country on projects for renewable energy and new water sources ect.


Good Job. This perspective is attractive, but, What's solution? I think only one: Obligatory Natality control.


I do not agree with the statement in the beginning saying that in winter in the northern hemisphere there is more carbon monoxide because there’s no leaves. While lack of greens has an affect, he failed to mention that in winter we have to heat our homes to avoid freezing to death.


Can anyone tell me what's the point of this video ?


this man looks so depressed, get some sleep my dude.


this video is helping me complete school work


Can you make a presentation on Malthus and neo-Malthus please? I do not understand it at all and by teacher is sick for my AP human geography class. And now we are are stuck with a bad sub.


Hello, thank you for your nice presentations. In what resource or book is the syllabus you are teaching from?which level is that?thank you again. I followed your programme.


This would be interesting if I weren’t cramming for an APES test tomorrow


HIV is high in Africa thanks to contaminated vaccines. The map of HIV and the map of resources each look like the twin of the other. What do you think that is about?