Arizona Sphinx, Petrified Trees, Rock Faces, Mountains from a new Perspective, Topics for Discussion

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Thanks to my subscribers on recommendations for topics to discuss.

Today will be all about ancient rock. Mainly me presenting interesting photographs, that I do not know a lot about, and hoping to engage in a discussion with my subscribers about these images.

Today we will look through some unique photographs of petrified rock formations, petrified trees, trees of immense stature, as well as The Sphinx of the Petrified Forest in Arizona.

Finally, we will get a little weird with it, and take a look at some unique mountain ranges, and mountain faces, that occur throughout the world. There is not much of a given narrative here, so let us create the discussion.

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My grandfather told me many times as a child that a lot of the mountains and hills are petrified giants. Watching from Christchurch NewZealand 🌸


The Book of Enoch speaks of the largest giants measured 3000 elles or a little over 2 miles in height. I believe this petrified rocks and wood formations are some of the remains of their actual bodies.


Dad brought home a "petrified log" from around Mingus. I've since observed it's not a tree but part of a once living creature. I love Arizona.


I was quietly watching this in the kitchen when my four year old son came in...he saw the rock that looked like an elephant and said, "An elephant. He died and now he's a rock." Out of the mouths of babes. This is something that my husband and I are searching out and we certainly haven't started discussing these things with our four year old, but even he can look at it and see what it for what it is.


The elephant looking mountain seemed to even have the same skin texture as the real thing. Especially on the trunk and ear areas.


Wow!!! Teeth, lips, eyelashes!! Incredible


Add to that, most of the grand canyon is off limits because of the proof of the Americas being the old world.


My family lives in the forest of northern AZ about 50 or 60 miles from the petrified forest. Me and my brother have been on countless hikes in that Forest and on more than one occasion came across large and small pieces of petrified wood out there. Even though we were miles from the petrified forest. They would usually just be sitting right there on top of the ground. It caused us to wonder how the pottery and arrowheads and things from old native American camps were buried from time passing and you had to dig down to find them, but petrified wood is just sitting in the open. If native artifacts are buried naturally in just 200+ years, how are stones millions of years old sitting on top of them? Even in heavily forested areas we would find petrified wood that wasn't at all buried. Looked like someone just set it all there recently. That always tripped us out.


Wow once you see it you cant unsee it. Incredible. I will never look at a mountain the same again.


A guy who's a doctor in cardiology, (blood/vessels/heart expert) did a video and he actually explored the Elephant mountain, and noticed that all the 'eye sockets' and vessels leading to it and away and how the 'caves" were designed, were accurate for a real elephant.


Wow - They are not giants. They are Titans !!! (bigger/taller than giants-all the animals too). I really enjoyed watching Jarid! Give us some more 👍


I used to live in Jeffersonville Indiana and they have the Jefferson proving grounds there where they tested new bombs. I can see them doing that in the dessert but it's strange to blow things up in this very populated area (directly across from Louisville Kentucky) like that. Makes me wonder what was in that part of the country they were blowing up. Every day I find out more about the lie we've been told to believe in and our real history. Great video my friend!✌❤🙏


I am fully convinced that these are petrified tree stumps of GIANT trees, Giants and large animals, all that were once alive in the antediluvian past.


They are the spirits of the land passed onto us through our ancestors. I see them everywhere in good country. They are not paradolia. They are real.


Mud fossils: actual living human giants and giant animals of a lost era in history.


Something I have seen and noticed for decades. My wife laying next to me watching this said she would have never noticed had it not been for the different angles. There is so much hidden history. She said one looked like a mummy. It is not from cooled lava tubes. These are ancient giants and trees. The only "natural formation" about them is they were once alive. Nice video. Hope your sub count keeps growing!👍


These were the giants before the flood. Many of them petrified, like Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt. According to Enoch some giants were as tall as cedar trees. Some even 300 cubits in height.


Reminds me of the Rock Biters in the Neverending Story.


I do believe it could be a hidden history. I seen elephants, an eagle, human faces this is awesome


These Rock Formations Are definitely A True
Long Ago Lost History True Right Down To
The Bone, Looks Unreal At The Same
Time So Undeniable, Thank You, For
Bringing Them To Be Viewed, (GREAT)!
