Aluminum Cookware Does Not Cause Alzheimer's Disease (Plus: How To Cook Rice)

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On Facebook's Cast Iron Cooking group, any time a discussion takes place related to aluminum cookware, the same scare story is *always* repeated: "You shouldn't use aluminum cookware because it's been shown to cause Alzheimer's disease." Frankly, I'm sick and tired of hearing this on a Facebook group where we want everyone to enjoy cooking with their vintage pieces and treasure their family heirlooms, including aluminum pans like this. That's why I'd like to get to the point and say this:


Presenting a YouTube video as scientific evidence of *anything* is sheer idiocy. This is why this video makes three statements:

* Conspiracy theorists are idiots.
* It's really easy to cook rice in a dutch oven.
* The Cast Iron Cooking group on Facebook enforces a NO POLITICS rule.

These are some STARTING POINTS that lead to further sources of verified and tested scientific information. If you really want to "Do Your Research," these sites are listed here as links to further sources of information.

"Is There A Link Between Aluminum and Alzheimer's?", Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (US), March 12, 2018:

"Is Aluminum Cookware Safe?" Cooks Illustrated:

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You would ingest more aluminum by taking one Tums antacid per month than by cooking and storing all your food in aluminum. Why doesn't anyone claim that antacids cause alzheimer's disease?


Alluminati, is that who u r working for?


I've cooked on Aluminum for decades and I ain't had no ill effects...I'll effects...Ill


In Google Scholar, there are many studies since 2010, from the US and India, that confirm lead leaking from poorly made aluminium ware mainly affecting less developed countries where the same pots were used to cook everyday and used for food storage as well. The effects are more lead poisoning and anemia etc. My parents had 2 aluminium pots for 50 years and both lived to 85+ yo before they became more forgetful etc. It depends on the quality of the pots, how often the pot is used and how the inner services are kept scratch free.


When I left home just before my 17th birthday to go and make my way in the world, my mother gave me two gifts: a good cast-iron frying pan, and a dictionary. I still have both, and still use that original cast iron pan almost every day, along with others (a small 6" is one handy size) and a large cast-iron dutch oven that will make a generous double-helping of chili con carne for 20 people with a minimum of work. I've been cooking with cast iron and cast aluminum for over 60 years, and I have no complaints.
My aluminum cookware includes some British post-WWII stuff (my dad used to say it was made from broken up Spitfire fighters, which may have some truth to it), and a rare and (to me) precious Wagner Magna-Lite aluminum piece similar to the one you show at the opening of the video. It came to me from my grandmother, who survived using it until age 101. It's as good as my Wagner cast-iron (better in some ways).
I use my cast-iron pans every day, and the Magna-lite several times a week. Except for the extra tentacles growing out from behind my ears, I've not noticed any side effects. Seriously, though, I didn't know there was a FB group devoted to cast iron cookware. I'll have to stop in.


I usually cook rice in my Instapot because its faster than stovetop, and turns out better than the rice I could cook on the stove. I will tell you though, the best pot of rice I ever cooked on the stovetop, I used my 6QT Lodge enameled cast iron dutch oven. The only reason I dont use it for rice more often is, as I said earlier, the instapot is faster.


Antacids usually is aluminum, people are gulping them up for 3-6 times a day


Beautiful DO. I love the look of MagnaLite cookware. I cook my rice in cast iron though. I have the 2 qt and 3 qt BS&R pots that I cook my rice in. I've had no sticking or issues with rusting. I place my water and rice in at the same time and boil.

I have numerous cast aluminum pieces, over 12, but I still use mainly my CI instead with a few exceptions.


i bought a new aluminum pan and no matter how many times i clean it, it sill has a gray metal color coming off the pan. if its clean and im going to use it, i put oil or butter and wipe it with paper towel, the paper towel is always gray.. why?? and because of that i quit using it..


I inherited a cast aluminum dutch oven from my grandfather after he passed away, and all of these rumors make me nervous nearly every time I use it. Logically, I know that studies have found no provable link, so I shouldn't be concerned. But I've got some pretty bad anxiety, so it's tough sometimes.

Anyway, I still use it fairly often, and it works great! Although, mine does not look polished like yours. The outside surface is not rough, but it is covered in itty bitty dents, almost like a gold ball. Think that could be anything to worry about?

Also, I just wanted to say thank you for putting out accurate and up-to-date information on the subject!

(I'm actually boiling some eggs in it right now, so I can't say for certain, but I don't think mine has a brand name on it. I think it's just some no-name cast aluminum from 50 years ago.)

Edit: I just checked! It does, in fact, have a brand stamp. It appears to be from "Club Hammercraft." When I look up cast aluminum products from that brand, it looks like somewhere along the way they started using plastic handles for the pots and lids. On mine, however, the poth handles are cast as part of the pot, and the lid has an aluminum handle.

Unfortunately, I'm not seeing a year on it anywhere, so I'm hoping I can use the information that I have to determine approximately when it was manufactured.


I was told by Ace Mart (a major local restaurant supplies in south Texas) representative that restaurants commonly use aluminum (Vollrath brand) pans.


I’ve come to the same conclusion regarding my Guardian Service cast aluminum cookware. My mother owned the entire set, so we grew up eating food prepared with this cookware. I now also own many pieces. I have found no credible study or evidence to support the fact that using aluminum cookware is bad for you. Love my GS cookware.


I have a Magnalite professional skillet that's not cast iron or stainless steel. Could it be anodized aluminum?


There are arguments on both sides for the use of aluminum, but there's no reason to take the risk. I will never have aluminum cookware.


Hi - do you know where I can purchase replacement handles and knobs for my Wager ware pots and pans.


I like to put a little onion & garlic powders into the water before boiling to give the rice a little hint of flavor. I've used our Magnalites for lots of great family meals over the years.


Hi - how do I get the junk off off of my Wagner ware pots. Thanks for your help!/


Do you happen to have aluminum guardian cookware in your collection


I have a Club brand cast aluminum oval roaster, it's a great workhorse for the kitchen.


Aluminum leaves residue on towel after wiping, dont want it in food
