Unknown Interesting Facts About Dina Merrill || Pastimers

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Nedenia Marjorie Hutton, famous by her name Dina Merrill, an actress, heiress, socialite, businesswoman, and philanthropist, made her debut on the stage in the play “The Mermaid Singing” in 1945.

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I think you mean she was on the cover of Life magazine for being a "socialite, " not a "socialist."


Classy lady and such a generous person obviously with great wealth came great responsibilities


Dina Merrill was quite simply a classy and smart lady.


She would have been a successful actress even if she had come from humble origins.
She was the whole article: Beautiful, wealthy, talented and nice.


No matter what type of role, Dina Merrill essayed, her good breeding and icy hauteur shone through. As a consequence, she became typed as a one-dimensional chic stork figure. She was at her best essaying highly emotional, impersonal characters. As a movie star, she never ever disappointed her fans because on screen and off, she always looked like royalty. While I have seen her in only a handful of movies and TV shows, I remember her fondly. She was wed to Cliff Robertson, famous for his Picnic role, the young man who unsuccessfully wooed Kim Novak in this 1955 block-buster.


It is really sad that such a sweet and generous woman who always seemed so humble and classy had to have that horrible horrible disease .
She set an example for how so many other women could be .
I remember seeing her in a number of things every now and then throughout my childhood and always thought she had a certain type of gentleness and compassion that was so real and yet unassuming .
May she rest easy .


Rich, beautiful, talented, smart - quite a combo.


One of the best recollections of living in East Hampton was in 2010, driving very early in the morning up the beach road to see the ocean coming in for high tide, it was so loud I could hear it at my house on Montauk Hi way 1 mile away. While driving up the beach road an old model 80's Mercury Station wagon came from the beach with what I thought was brush attached to the top, just as we were going to pass the whole pile of branches came down in front of my truck on to the road. WHAT ! A very nice lady came out of the station wagon excusing herself, I'm.so sorry, I'm so sorry...The twine wasn't strong enough...iT was DINA MERRILL, wearing cut offs, & old gardening apron, long sleeve shirt, scarf "I just took these Beach Plums for my garden before the city comes and chops them all up, because they're too close to the road.." "Please don't tell anyone"... I don't know what all I said other than expressing my adoration for her acting and once years ago seeing her water ski on St Regis. Said I would be honored to take these to wherever they're going. She said, "Oh would you, that's so kind". We gathered them up and brought them a few blocks up to a modest bungalow, unloaded them. She offered me $10, I said meeting her was worth 1ooo times that to me. She said, that's too kind ..and blushed...


She would be very offended to be called a socialist. Please change your text.
