Just happened in Spain! Storm Dorothea crushed the Canary Islands with winds of 126 km/h

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Storm Dorothea hits the Canary Islands with winds of 126 km/h that cause numerous incidents in the western islands. This Sunday, Atlantic storm Dorothea caused multiple incidents in the western islands, without causing serious damage. The maximum alert declared by the Canary Islands Government remains in force.
The most critical situation is in El Hierro, where the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has raised the warning level to red. In Tenerife, La Gomera and La Palma, the level remains at orange. Incidents caused by the storm include landslides, fallen trees and power poles, and power outages. Damage to vehicles and road closures have also been reported. Although the storm has not caused any casualties, the disruptions have affected transportation and the daily lives of residents in the affected areas.
This channel publishes about natural disasters and weather in the world every day.
Types of Disasters: cyclones,dana,drought,earthquake,beruption,flood,flashfloods,floods,flooded,flooding,fire,fires,forestfires,globalwarming,grêle,hail,hailstorm,heavyrains,hurricane,hurracan,ice,icestorm,inundaciones,landslide,lightning,lluvias,majorfloods,monsoon,mudslides,orages,rain,rainstorm,rainfall,storm,strongstorm,tidalwave,tornado,tornadoes,tropicalstorm,tormenta,thunder,thunderstorm,tsunamis,typhoon,volcanoes,waterspout,waves,winds,winter,weather, breaking, news, today.
ATTENTION: Video material is taken from social networks. It is selected based on publication date, title, description and location of the event. Sometimes, videos may contain fragments that do not match the date and place. It is not always possible to check its reliability. Thank you for your understanding.
#ElHierro #SantaÚrsula #LaPalma #BorrascaDorothea #Vientos #Noticias #Canarias #dorothea #TenerifeSur #Vallehermoso #Agulo #ValleGranRey #Lagomera #EHierro #ELTIEMPO #borrasca #alerta #meteo #AEMET #Lluvias #LosRealejos #StormDorothea #CanaryIslands #GranCanaria, #Lanzarote y #Fuerteventura
#tornado #California #Californiatornado #santacruz #SantaCruz #ScottsValley #SanFrancisco #Tornado #SanMateo #SanJose #California #Rain #Weather #WeatherAlert #Thunderstorms #News #BreakingNews #Fremont #Milpitas #SantaRosa #cawx
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#Alerta #Meteorológica #Sudeste #Bonaerense #Balcarce #Argentina #buenosaires
#France #Mayotte #Kaweni #Mtsapere #Mozambique #Chido #PrayForMayotte #PetiteTerre #mamoudzou #Bidonvilles #meteo
#granizada #Dubrovnik #Dalmatia #Croacia #hailstorm #CroatiaWeather #tuča #grad #tuca
#Serra #FranklinFire #Malibu #California #US #Wildfire #PacificCoastHighway #ForrestFire #incendio #Pepperdine #Malibufire #CAfire #CAwx
#MountKanlaon #BagoCity #NegrosOccidental #Philippines #KanlaonVolcano #BarangayIlijan #NegrosIsland #KanlaonVolcano #VolcanicEruption #PhilippinesNews #MountKanlaon #RingOfFire #DisasterAlert #Evacuation
#Benasque #Meteo #Pirineu #Spain #Aragón #Navarra #Catalonia #Neige #Neigeux #Nieve #Pirineo #temporal #maritimo #Cantabrico #olas #andorra #nevada #invierno #Blizzard #Ventisca #Roncesvalles #PirineoNavarro #larioja #Canfranc #Huesca
#Brasil #Joinville #SantaCatarina #Chuvas #Mundo #Alagamento
#StormDarragh #Ireland #UK #Roscommon #North_Mayo #Scotland #porthor #penllŷn #ewyngwyn #europe #portsmouth #donegal #Cornwall #limerick #Darragh #UnitedKingdom #wales #capecornwall #thebrisons #lythamstannes #stannesbeach #England #UKwx #manchesterairport #Awg #Tripoli #Zawiya #Souq_Al_Juma #Libya #ليبيا
#EstáPasando #acoruña #acoruna #coruña #spain #coruna #lacoruña #lacoruna #galicia #monelos
#Krishnagiri #Tiruvannamalai #TamilnaduRain #TamilNaduFloods #Uthangarai #CycloneFengal #KrishnagiriRains #ClimateCrisis #Chennai #Puducherry #SriLanka #Villupuram
#Flood #Brasil #SouthAmerica #Paranavaí #Paraná #Brazil.
#StormBora #κακοκαιρια #Εποχικούς #Πυροσβέστες #flood #inundación #inondations #Greece #Limnos #Lemnos #alluvione #Rhodes #Hellas #floods #RhodesIsland #bora
#Chennai #floodedstreets #heavyrainfall #Impact #CycloneFengal #CycloneFengal #CycloneAlert #Cyclone #ChennaiRainsUpdate #LiveUpdate #HeavyRain #cyclonefenjal #chennairain #album #CycloneFengal #FengalCyclone #CycloneAlert #FengalStorm #TamilNadu #மழை #சென்னை #SevereWeather #Puducherry #Karaikal #SriLanka #BayOfBengal #India #Thailand #Songkhla #น้ําท่วมภาคใต้ #ยะลา #ขอให้ทุกคนปลอดภัย #น้ําท่วม #Singkhla #HatYai #ThaiNews #Houseboats #washedaway #Malaysia #flooding #heavyrain #Kelantan #Terengganu #metmalaysia #banjirkelantan
#Salvador #CapitalofBahia #bollullos #huelva #spain #jeddah #saudiarabia
#StormBret #WalesFloods #StormBert #Pontypridd #Rhondda #Bridgend #UKWeather #BreakingNews #LatestUpdates #Wales #WeatherUpdate #uk #southwales #storm #Machen #UnitedKingdom #England
The most critical situation is in El Hierro, where the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has raised the warning level to red. In Tenerife, La Gomera and La Palma, the level remains at orange. Incidents caused by the storm include landslides, fallen trees and power poles, and power outages. Damage to vehicles and road closures have also been reported. Although the storm has not caused any casualties, the disruptions have affected transportation and the daily lives of residents in the affected areas.
This channel publishes about natural disasters and weather in the world every day.
Types of Disasters: cyclones,dana,drought,earthquake,beruption,flood,flashfloods,floods,flooded,flooding,fire,fires,forestfires,globalwarming,grêle,hail,hailstorm,heavyrains,hurricane,hurracan,ice,icestorm,inundaciones,landslide,lightning,lluvias,majorfloods,monsoon,mudslides,orages,rain,rainstorm,rainfall,storm,strongstorm,tidalwave,tornado,tornadoes,tropicalstorm,tormenta,thunder,thunderstorm,tsunamis,typhoon,volcanoes,waterspout,waves,winds,winter,weather, breaking, news, today.
ATTENTION: Video material is taken from social networks. It is selected based on publication date, title, description and location of the event. Sometimes, videos may contain fragments that do not match the date and place. It is not always possible to check its reliability. Thank you for your understanding.
#ElHierro #SantaÚrsula #LaPalma #BorrascaDorothea #Vientos #Noticias #Canarias #dorothea #TenerifeSur #Vallehermoso #Agulo #ValleGranRey #Lagomera #EHierro #ELTIEMPO #borrasca #alerta #meteo #AEMET #Lluvias #LosRealejos #StormDorothea #CanaryIslands #GranCanaria, #Lanzarote y #Fuerteventura
#tornado #California #Californiatornado #santacruz #SantaCruz #ScottsValley #SanFrancisco #Tornado #SanMateo #SanJose #California #Rain #Weather #WeatherAlert #Thunderstorms #News #BreakingNews #Fremont #Milpitas #SantaRosa #cawx
#Sismo #Curicó #Maule #Temblor #Earthquake #Chile #terremoto #Catemu #SismoChile #ChileEarthquake #Santiago #Tremors #EuropeNews #Europe #viral #puentealto #santiagodechile #PuenteAlto
#Alerta #Meteorológica #Sudeste #Bonaerense #Balcarce #Argentina #buenosaires
#France #Mayotte #Kaweni #Mtsapere #Mozambique #Chido #PrayForMayotte #PetiteTerre #mamoudzou #Bidonvilles #meteo
#granizada #Dubrovnik #Dalmatia #Croacia #hailstorm #CroatiaWeather #tuča #grad #tuca
#Serra #FranklinFire #Malibu #California #US #Wildfire #PacificCoastHighway #ForrestFire #incendio #Pepperdine #Malibufire #CAfire #CAwx
#MountKanlaon #BagoCity #NegrosOccidental #Philippines #KanlaonVolcano #BarangayIlijan #NegrosIsland #KanlaonVolcano #VolcanicEruption #PhilippinesNews #MountKanlaon #RingOfFire #DisasterAlert #Evacuation
#Benasque #Meteo #Pirineu #Spain #Aragón #Navarra #Catalonia #Neige #Neigeux #Nieve #Pirineo #temporal #maritimo #Cantabrico #olas #andorra #nevada #invierno #Blizzard #Ventisca #Roncesvalles #PirineoNavarro #larioja #Canfranc #Huesca
#Brasil #Joinville #SantaCatarina #Chuvas #Mundo #Alagamento
#StormDarragh #Ireland #UK #Roscommon #North_Mayo #Scotland #porthor #penllŷn #ewyngwyn #europe #portsmouth #donegal #Cornwall #limerick #Darragh #UnitedKingdom #wales #capecornwall #thebrisons #lythamstannes #stannesbeach #England #UKwx #manchesterairport #Awg #Tripoli #Zawiya #Souq_Al_Juma #Libya #ليبيا
#EstáPasando #acoruña #acoruna #coruña #spain #coruna #lacoruña #lacoruna #galicia #monelos
#Krishnagiri #Tiruvannamalai #TamilnaduRain #TamilNaduFloods #Uthangarai #CycloneFengal #KrishnagiriRains #ClimateCrisis #Chennai #Puducherry #SriLanka #Villupuram
#Flood #Brasil #SouthAmerica #Paranavaí #Paraná #Brazil.
#StormBora #κακοκαιρια #Εποχικούς #Πυροσβέστες #flood #inundación #inondations #Greece #Limnos #Lemnos #alluvione #Rhodes #Hellas #floods #RhodesIsland #bora
#Chennai #floodedstreets #heavyrainfall #Impact #CycloneFengal #CycloneFengal #CycloneAlert #Cyclone #ChennaiRainsUpdate #LiveUpdate #HeavyRain #cyclonefenjal #chennairain #album #CycloneFengal #FengalCyclone #CycloneAlert #FengalStorm #TamilNadu #மழை #சென்னை #SevereWeather #Puducherry #Karaikal #SriLanka #BayOfBengal #India #Thailand #Songkhla #น้ําท่วมภาคใต้ #ยะลา #ขอให้ทุกคนปลอดภัย #น้ําท่วม #Singkhla #HatYai #ThaiNews #Houseboats #washedaway #Malaysia #flooding #heavyrain #Kelantan #Terengganu #metmalaysia #banjirkelantan
#Salvador #CapitalofBahia #bollullos #huelva #spain #jeddah #saudiarabia
#StormBret #WalesFloods #StormBert #Pontypridd #Rhondda #Bridgend #UKWeather #BreakingNews #LatestUpdates #Wales #WeatherUpdate #uk #southwales #storm #Machen #UnitedKingdom #England