AI and the Genome and Earth's Past Temperature | Fazale 'Fuz' Rana and Hugh Ross

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In this episode, biochemist Fuz Rana describes recent insight from two investigators who make the case that genomes are generative AI systems. The architecture and operation of biochemical information is far more sophisticated and complex than previously recognized and points to purposeful design.

Two new studies on Earth’s past climate have provided important data for predicting Earth’s future climate, as well as exoplanet habitability. Oxygen-18 measurements from shale, iron oxide, carbonates, and chert show that Earth’s climate was warm from 2.0–0.5 billion years ago. Then a drop in global mean surface temperature (GMST) occurred 500 million years ago to a decline in atmospheric carbon dioxide. An integration of geological data with climate model simulations shows that GMSTs varied from 11–36°C over the past 485 million years, a much larger range than previous reconstructions. Temperature changes were especially dramatic at high latitudes. During the Phanerozoic, Earth spent more time in warm climate states than cold ones and atmospheric CO2 was the dominant control on climate. Throughout the past 2 billion years, atmospheric CO2 played the most important role in compensating for increasing solar luminosity.



PLAYLIST – Stars, Cells, and God


HOST: Fazale "Fuz" Rana

GUEST: Hugh Ross



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Fascinating study of Genome. God is so much more intelligent and powerful than we can imagine. Thanks to both of you for this wonderful video. Maranatha.


I work in generative AI. As you were explaining this genAI theory of protein expression, it immediately occurred to me that the Achilles heel for evolutionary theory is the absolute necessity that the weights of any genAI model must be trained on already existing information. This is a doubly intentional process. First, the information must already exist, meaning that the data itself has an intent. Second, the neural network must be trained on that data intentionally. The data cannot happen on its own, and the training itself cannot happen on its own.

One can further extend this to a third layer of intentionality. The training mechanism itself cannot arise on its own, but is itself a product of design. This we have at the base level, a training system that is intentionally designed; the training data itself that must previously exist, which must be created by intent; and the intentional training of the model using that data.

But all this assumes these models are trained from scratch. Our existing methods of training which start with randomized weights are radically inefficient. The iterative process from a random beginning cannot happen in biology, because such iterations must each produce a viable organism that is capable of further training. A half-trained model is basically garbage. If we somehow had a mind that could skip the iterative process and jump right to a minimum viable set of weights and biases, that mind would be vastly beyond even our ability to imagine it. And this is speaking only of our extremely primitive models that are prone to hallucinations and laughable output.


Simple Nuclear Physics… 😮 those words don’t go together in my Mind.. LOL . ❤ THIS Broadcast !!


Fascinating. Additionally, that was one of the better explanantions of how generative imaging works and it was just the background information for the genome topic.


I really enjoyed this episode. Both topics are great and appreciated


thank you.. this was so awesome..and I actually could follow along and understand..


CO2 is plant food and it makes the earth greener. The more growth there is the more CO2 is removed from the atmosphere. This reliance on CO2 by plants also helps to balance CO2 levels while producing more plant food. There is never any mention of the amount of CO2 being removed by grasses, trees, and vegetation growth versus what each county is producing through fossil fuel usage. I wonder why! Ireland is the emerald isle ( forty shades of green) and we are not producing CO2 to a greater extent than most industrialised countries, yet there is NO MENTION of the ratio of CO2 emmisions v absorbsion. I wonder why! This carbon tax is FRAUD no matter what effect CO2 is having on climate. God knows how to control the weather without taxing people.


There are so many aspects to life and the universe that seem beyond human comprehension, yet that does not prove anything about any god. Natural selection is a driver of evolution through mutations of favorably adaptive genes.
