The Wheat Belly Guide to Grain-Free Baking

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Baking breads, muffins, cakes, and cookies without using wheat or grains can be a bit tricky at first, especially in generating "rise."

But understand a few basic methods to generate better structure and rise and you will never miss grains. You will also be freed of all the blood sugar-raising, weight-increasing inflammation-causing, appetite-increasing, autoimmune and other disease causing effects of grains.

This is part of the Wheat Belly lifestyle that liberates you from the adverse health effects of wheat and grains. To get started on your Wheat Belly lifestyle, read the Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox book.

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Рекомендации по теме

I'm a Vegan and I try to avoid Eggs, Meat & Dairy due to the Grains and Antibiotics fed to the animals. Do you agree that we should be eating Grass Fed and Antibiotic Free Chickens and Beef? I bought Wheat Belly and Super Gut! I felt the change in my joint pain, insomnia, mood swings and restless legs the very first week of eliminating Grains. Thank you for your dedication to this very important issue. 🙂


Thank you for increasing the volume of your YouTube video.  We have already tried almond flour pancakes.  Thanks for the encouragement.


Dear, thank you for wonderful video, I think replacing wheat with barley is a good idea. I did so and I feel a better health.


A very good evening to you Dr, from sunny Spain. I have subscribed to your very interesting channel as I am convinced this is the way to go. But oh how I would love to have an exact method and quantities for bread making ! I'm sure that many would agree with me. Whilst I'm sure that many starting your advice can do initially without cake's etc etc, I feel that bread on the other hand is what we will find more difficult to do without. So please please to save us much work and heartache( and waste) trying to work it all out would you please give us some tried and tested recipes for bread? Thank you....for existing 👏👏


I found lentils & flexseed hood i will try adding eggs


I just bought your cookbook and several bread recipes [the Rye and Basic] call for garbanzo beans. I don't have them in my pantry and have no other recipes calling for their use. How critical is their inclusion to the success of the recipe? Thanks.


What about the use of psyllium husks to trap CO2 in baking products as a replacement for gluten?


Dr Li says microwaving is bad on starches.


i heard one keto recipe youtuber say that adding some whey protein to baked goods will increase rise and make things less dense


I have been making quiche using a Gary Rhodes recipe, and for the casing, I have used extra fine almond flour with butter and pink organic salt, which is nice. I was wondering if SAGO is usable with almond flour in order to dilute the flavour. Can you please advise me wether sago has amylopectin A, glutinin, or gliadin? If sago is a safe flour, then I can try the recipe and post it to you.


Is plant sterols good to lower triglycerides////????


This sure does sound like a lot of work. I think I’ll just stick to my meat/veg/fruit/nut/dairy diet, with supplements


I can’t have nuts without proper preparation because of lectins. Plus my throat can’t swallow the keto bread.


Hi dr Davis. I've just started the life style. I have most of your books. My question is with this lifestyle in the beginning what am I going to expect? Example I've had a lot of bowel movements some pretty some not so pretty.... is this normal?


Yes correct. Instead of wheat there is a good white rice identified with high dietary fibre and high protein. So bakery industry may go with that. It is not Brown rice, since brown rice has lesser palatability and lacks the divine taste of white rice hence not preferred by people widely as an alternative for white polished rice.


I love your information. But I don't like to microwave foods because if you feed your plants microwaved water, they die within a few days. That tells me everything I need to know. I got rid of my microwave years ago, but I don't miss it at all, either.
