Lightning Talk: Virtual Functions Are Not Slow - Rud Merriam - CppNorth 2023

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Lightning Talk: Virtual Functions Are Not Slow - Rud Merriam - CppNorth 2023
It is frequently asserted even by C++ developers that virtual functions are slow. Actual timing shows something different.
Sponsored By:
Rudyard Merriam
Rud Merriam is a retired software developer, having lived through the spaghetti, structured programming, and object-oriented development paradigms. He's now trying to figure out functional programming.
Rud wrote his first FORTRAN IV in 1968 and his first C++ in 1990 with Borland's Turbo C++. Along the way, he developed computers that measured flow in real pipelines and used satellite communications to access swamps and mountaintops. He's competed with C++ in three NASA Centennial Challenges for robots on Mars and the Moon, winning some prize money along the way.
CppNorth is an annual C++ conference held in Toronto, Canada.
#cppnorth #cpp #programming
Lightning Talk: Virtual Functions Are Not Slow - Rud Merriam - CppNorth 2023
It is frequently asserted even by C++ developers that virtual functions are slow. Actual timing shows something different.
Sponsored By:
Rudyard Merriam
Rud Merriam is a retired software developer, having lived through the spaghetti, structured programming, and object-oriented development paradigms. He's now trying to figure out functional programming.
Rud wrote his first FORTRAN IV in 1968 and his first C++ in 1990 with Borland's Turbo C++. Along the way, he developed computers that measured flow in real pipelines and used satellite communications to access swamps and mountaintops. He's competed with C++ in three NASA Centennial Challenges for robots on Mars and the Moon, winning some prize money along the way.
CppNorth is an annual C++ conference held in Toronto, Canada.
#cppnorth #cpp #programming
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