Do all religions lead to God?

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Do all religions lead to God?
Well the answer is Yes. All paths of life that we take will end when we stand before God.
The Bible says that each person has a day appointed when they will die and after that they will be judged (Hebrews 9:27) - they will stand before a holy God and He will judge them according to their sins.
Many would say that religions are like paths leading up the mountain. The paths take different routes but they lead to the same end.
Maybe you’ve heard this old story before:
A small group of blind men encounter an elephant. Each man makes an observation based on touching a certain part of the elephant.
One grasps the trunk and says “it’s a snake!”
Another touches one of the elephant's legs and says, “it’s a tree.”
A third man finds the tail and says. “It’s a rope!”
The fourth blind man discovers the elephant’s side and says, “it’s a wall!”
Each blind man is describing the same thing: an elephant. Yet each describes the same thing in a radically different way.
The story is told to reveal that the different ideas in different religions are equally true, with each religion showing one part of a bigger picture. Generally people like the idea of this because it means that no one can be offended and told they are wrong. But in actual fact when you think about it all the blind men were wrong. The storyteller told us it wasn’t a tree or a rope - it was an elephant. The storyteller is claiming to be the only one to know the absolute truth in stating that the bigger picture is an elephant.
The Bible doesn’t say ‘you just believe whatever you want to - it will be OK in the end!’ The Bible doesn’t say that there are many ways to get right with God. The Bible says that no one is right with God and there is only one way that people can reach God. That way is through Jesus Christ.
The Bible says that there is a way that seems right to a person but in the end it leads to death. (Proverbs 14:12)
People can be very sincere in their religion or their beliefs and we must respect one another. And all people have a right to choose what they believe. But whoever we are we can all, at times, be sincerely wrong.
Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life.” He didn’t say He was one of many ways. He claimed to be the only way. He went on to say - “No one can come to God the Father except through Me.”
The Bible says that all people will one day stand before God. But, from what Jesus said throughout his life, as recorded in the gospels, if we want to stand before Him when we die and be accepted, we need to come to God through Jesus.
The Bible says this: “to all who did receive him, (Jesus), to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” So all religions do lead to God, but the Bible is clear - only those people who have accepted Jesus Christ as THE only way will have their sins forgiven and enter into eternal life with God. You see, when Jesus died on the cross, he took upon himself the judgement that our sins deserved.
Do you believe this? Will you accept what God has provided for you?
We all have this decision to make.
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Your very correct all religions go to One God I am a Hindu


🌍Muslims say Jesus was a Muslim since he obeys God's will.
🌍Judaism. Jesus was a faithful Jew. Circumcised, followed kosher diet, etc.
🌍 Catholics say Jesus' is a Catholic. Hence the 7 sacraments are found on his actions and teachings.
🌍Buddhism. Historical accounts aside, many textual analyses indicate striking similarities between what was said by Jesus and by Buddha and between the prophetic legend of Jesus and ancient Buddhist texts. The conclusion is that, although not identifying himself as a Buddhist for good reasons, Jesus spoke like a Buddhist. If he was born in the far east He may had been a Buddha.
🌍Hindus liked Jesus. Gandhi a hindu said he believes Jesus is for all not just for Christians. Some say he's a Sadhu (a holy man). Most say he's an avatar of God, in accordance to what he said that he's God's son as well as those who follow him.

So as you see, Muhammad cannot be a Buddhist, and Buddha cannot be a Muslim. Moses cannot be a Catholic and Pope Francis cannot be a Jew. Muslims and Hindus detest each other.

Now who do you think he is?

But for me, one religion Jesus can't be is Christianity aka literal Bible worshiping idiots. People who are judgemental. Authoritarian. End of the world thinking. Doomsday cult. Fundamentalist. Induces fear and guilt trips people.

God is love everyone.
Respect yourself.
Respect others no matter who they are.
Respect nature.
And those who don't respect should not be tolerated. Fight them.... with respect aswell.

I hope someday our society will strive for harmony instead of conformity. Unity instead of Uniformity!


Biased 🙂. Did Jesus even believed in an Original Sin. Historical Jews don't. The Early church don't. 3rd BC scholars do.

Did Jesus think literally all are sinners and need to be in his religion? Did he even intended to make a religion or a church. An NGO support system.