The Real Story of the Sherman Tank in the Movie FURY - #shorts #short

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Wait stop. This man did not just say the Sherman was LESS maneuverable than a Tiger


The sherman was pretty much the perfect tank, not only was cheap and reliable, but also highly upgradable, the 76 gun was great for dealing with heavy cats


Fury, as history, is deeply flawed. But it is one of the few depictions of armored combat during World War II. The costumes and equipment are very accurate.


Also you can tell that the German tank commander in the clip isn’t very experienced because he would have shot the tank leading the column, being our beloved fury, because of its muzzle brake the 76mm was easily identifiable and being the 76 was really the only threat to tigers besides artillery any experienced commander would have busted the 76 and finished off the 75’s and the movie would have been over but obviously plot armour is a thing so…


What the Sherman lacked in armor thickness and firepower it made up for in reliability, moderate cost of production, range, ease of repair and modification, crew comfort and the number of hatches to exit the vehicle. Armor and gun were both sufficient for the role it had to fulfill.

The crew could perform well and for a longer time. If the vehicle was hit it could be quickly abandoned. This gave the Sherman one of the highest crew survival rates of the entire war. Equipment can be replaced but you can't revive a dead crew member.

Many German tanks suffered from mechanical breakdowns, inexperienced crews, fuel and ammunition shortages. For things like that they had to be abandoned by their crews and because the Germans had very few recovery vehicles they had to destroy them so that the enemy would not capture them.


It also had the "Easy Eight" suspension that gave it a smoother ride.


The thing that made the Sherman tank a winner was the numbers of them produced and fielded.


The Sherman was designed primarily as an infantry support tank operating in groups of five. The short barreled 75 mm gun was best at firing high explosive shells. It was not designed to be a tank destroyer. It was easily serviced and reliable. It excelled at what it was designed to do.


The reason the Sherman was a great success of a design was because there was a Sherman for everything.

Just swap out the top half for whatever job you need instead of creating an entirely new tank, it's genius.


Steven Ambrose said how the best thing about the Sherman was how easy it was to load and ship so many of them onto boats. This was not a concern for Germany (except in N. Africa). But everything we brought to the fight had to cross the Atlantic Ocean.


Shia killed it in this movie, it really made me respect him more knowing how serious he took this role. What a badass.


1 tiger would run out of ammo before we would run out of Sherman’s to throw at them .we made around 50, 000 Sherman’s compared to the 1300 tigers and 6000 panthers. Also the Germans tanks Achilles heel was that they were over engineered which wasn’t a problem for the earlier years because the crews were experienced but towards the end of the war with newer tank crews/commanders not being able to fix issues like a gearbox or transmission they would just abandon them or blow them up to be roadblocks


Up grades to the Sherman since it was first introduced ranged from a loaders hatch to diesel engines to wet stowage for ammunition. It was perhaps the most survivable tank of WW2


Good to see so much love for the Sherman in the comments. Not the best tank in terms of armor and firepower but reliable as hell. Sometimes the best tank to fight with is the one that shows up.


The M4 Sherman was definitely one the best tanks ever made it wasn't the perfect tank but it got the job done, it was easy to maintain, it's one of the only few WW2 tanks that had Wet ammo storage (late models), along with many variations such as the Sherman crab mine cleaner, Sherman Calliope rocket Artillery support, 105 howitzer, Sherman Crocodiles flamethrower, Sherman Dozer, Easy 8, and M4A3E2 "Jumbo" assault tank. Also, Shermans stayed in service with the US from WW2 and the Korean War. Other countries such as Israel used them for decades, the upgraded M50 and M51 Super Sherman.


You actually leave out exactly why it was a superior tank. It was versatile, cheap, reliable and efficient. Sure it was not as good in tank on tank engagements, but you could probably get 10 shermans for the cost of 1 tiger and they use less fuel, which was really important in the war. And it was modified to do a number of jobs such as minesweeping or anti-air combat.

It really was a great platform for the second world war.


What about the Sherman tank was less maneuverable? It could go around 30mph that's not only a faster top speed than the tiger but it could reach that top speed faster.
It's also faster than the panzer 3&4
It's faster than the cruiser tanks but not the Cromwell.
Is 2mph slower than a t34 except that the t34 was nearly impossible to drive at that speed.
Infact the Sherman tank had one of the most useful abilities a tank can have. It can out gun what it can't out run and it can out run what it can't out gun.


A family member of mine served in that same combat role. It was a very tough road. Effected him for the rest of his life.❤


I am very glad to see how the Sherman gets a lot more recognition and respect these days. Not only as the workhorse of the US tank forces. But also showing the great design the Sherman actually was. For a long time, the Sherman was considered "inferiour" outright bad. Particularly when compared to the big German cats. Tiger and Panther. But the more people get in to serious history and access to good sources and information, they learn more about the Sherman, why it was chosen and designed the way it was. For it's time, the Sherman was a great tank. There was no perfect tank of course. And there probably never will. But when it comes to what a tank in WW2 really needed to be succesfull, the Sherman definetly had it.


Meanwhile the M4A3E2 76: *laughs in heavy medium*
