The Side of Peru They Don't Show 🇵🇪

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Day One:
After renting a car in Lima, Stephan and I decided to go on a journey from Lima to Cusco which should of taken 20 Hours.
That didn't go as planned.
This is the Peru they don't show.
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10 signs you're watching a Kurt Caz video:

1. Hates seafood *proceeds to eat seafood*

2. “That place looks sketchy… let’s take a look”

3. “Where can I get a haircut?”

4. Enters rough terrain in sandals

5. Swims in closest body of water

6. Befriends random stray doggo

7. “I’m probably gonna get mugged”

8. *insert random Borat quote*

9. “Here’s the AC system that I don’t use… Here’s the TV that I also don’t use”

10. Hates tourists and touristic areas *is a tourist*


My favorite kind of travel vlog videos 😁 I don't like the ones with unnecessary music and drone shots. Raw, real and shows you a side of the country many do not venture to.


Peru has always welcome people from all over the world, just do not confuse being polite with being naive.


This is the normal life in Peru, but it's a kind country, people are very polite and sometimes shy. It's funny to see how foreigners English speakers show the real life in LATAM like it's something "exotic" and a bit "dangerous" but it's not like that all the time. Thank to show this, Peru is good and you're always welcome.


Oke lets be honest he is fucking entertaining


I am Puertorican I live in Pennsylvania. I marry a Peruvian wonderful man.. and i went to Huacho.. Wao beautiful .. cheap and the people amazing. The food yummy. My husband constructed a House.. and right am settling everything here in the USA to move to Perú.. 🙌🏼 we only Pat $3 water and $7 light 🙌🏼 .. the food is so fresh and I LOVE Perú.. 🇵🇷 ❤️🇵🇪 🥰


I am binging on these videos! I love how Kurt is so excited about everything he sees! So fun and so innocent


I started watching your blog like 3 days ago. I love how you are the perfect person to go to different countries and meet people just off the street. You are definitely a people person. Love your blogs


While Bald and Harald keep depriving us for weeks. Kurt keeps consistent 💯


This is becoming my new favorite channel to watch. Can’t wait to see your future adventures!


Just discovered your amazing channel Kurt! Bringing back memories, been through Chincha myself with my Peruvian fiancé. Love from the U.K., vamos Peru 🇵🇪


Kurt: “When you think of Peru do you think of this?”

Oh Kurt. You’ve barely touched the surface my friend.


I much prefer to watch you over other travel vloggers like bald and bankrupt and harld cuz they come off disrespectful sometimes. Like they think highly of themselves, like arrogant, in developing countries and your the opposite. You actually put effort into learning stuff about the places you go to especially the language. Keep it up bro!


When the cop stopped you guys over, that is the right way to treat the police. Always polite and cooperative . GREAT job guys


for some reason, i feel like kurt lied when he told the lady he’s scared of the dark so he wants to share a room. i believe he thinks more analytically, such as if they were to get mugged or robbed at some point, having 2 of them in the same room would be safer. (also they’re foreigners, so they’re more at risk)


Alrightttt first time watching your videos. As a Peruvian myself I found myself half offended/half amused most of the time haha but reading the comments I guess I was supposed to? 😂 My man you’d be surprised how ‘lifeless’ Can the desert be compared to huge artificial cities. The desert of Peru is AMAZING. I go south to the sand dunes of Huacachina oasis every winter, sandboarding, driving buggy cars, good sh**t. Of course the amazing Nazca Lines. Latinoamerican streets at night are risky yea but also Peru happens to be one of the places with the most welcoming folks out there. People (especially girls 😉) love gringos here. As long as you’re not disrespecting some Inca ritual or drinking some ‘rondero’s alcohol chicha they won’t whip you 🤣. Btw, llamas are evil, they will spit on you. I’ll watch the rest of your videos..

Pd: bruh you came to one of the foodie capitals of the region and you order fried chicken 💀💀😂😂🍺


Yeah, that's the loudest room ever because your neighbours weren't there to actually sleep


Hey, thank you for visiting Chincha. I've been living in Chincha ever since the corona virus lockdown started. If I knew at the time you were visiting Chincha I would've tried to come up to you and say hi and also share with you some of my insights from this little town in the middle of nowhere.


Kurt squeezes every ounce of adventure and life out of every day. Man I wish I would have done this in my twenties and thirties. Great adventures, thanks Kurt for taking us to see the world.


good content. to the point. entertaining. its appreciated.
