Ancient Writings Tell Us that the Moon Wasn’t Always Present in the Earth’s Skies

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For every person that’s ever lived, the Moon has been a consistent and fascinating sight in the night sky – a sight, perhaps, that many of us take for granted. But was there a time during humanity’s mysterious and lost history on Earth when the Moon wasn’t there? And if so, what, or who, caused the Moon to appear, and when? Our Moon is certainly an enchanting and enigmatic celestial body, one that fascinated humanity as much now as did back at the dawn of civilization.


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This one right here is a added piece of the puzzle I wondered and researched for last 4yrs. And now my #1 researcher is giving us the knowledge💯💯💯💯💯


Australian indigenous first nation people's have ancient stories about "before the moon" came to be


Not to mention a Zulu legend narrative about a Time where there was no moon in the skies, Cloud and mist cover all over the Earth. The Time when they can not see the Sun. The even talk about the 2 Fish Brother who brought the moon near earth, version of Enki & Enlil.


My man got the connect my man got the knowledge my man got the money to go places most will never hear of to get the facts . Billy, you and your staff, your people; are doing gods work. We heard of his but never taken part in it and most of us thought we would be dead and gone before this "error correcting age" came about. Most of my friends and family left my spiritual company many moons ago. Been on my own knowledge for a little over 12 years now. My best friend Monique Phillips is responsible for my spiritual awakening. And you billy, have done so much for our people, as well as others who are eager to learn the truth. May the creator hear all of your prayers and demands. And give and grant all to you. Thanks Bru. Foreal. I'm 32 from Alabama. Been on this journey before I heard of you. You elevated my consciousness beyond measure. Thanks. Love you brother. May we meet someday. We appreciate you deeply


Ancient history is just so fascinating! It blows my mind ! Real magic real treasure, where our current fantasies are reality ! What made it all go away ?!


Billy's you're the greatest I listen to your videos almost everyday while I'm working. Keep enlightening us with your knowledge brother


Check out SunBow's book series, 'The Sasquatch Message to Humanity' - Kamooh explains (and this is the very very short version compared to the book) that the first moon was a part of Earth blown into space and that explosion also caused the rotation of our planet (it was stationary before with a sun-facing side and a dark side), the moon was later taken over and then destroyed in a war, a deal was made and a new moon was built, which is the one we see today.


“Barbaric” originally and back then meant someone who wasn’t a Greek. It was a global term like how it’s used today it was specifically a Greek term used by the Greeks and Romans.


Imagine a time after the Younger Dryas Event where humans lived in a world that the sky was always cloudy. It stayed cloudy and rained for 1, 200 years. Many of the survivors lived in caves and underground, never to see the night sky for generations. Even the Sun was obscured. The Moon and stars completely obscured. Would you know that the Moon existed? Only in legends. Then the skies finally dried out enough to see the Moon in over a thousand years. It would seem like magic to many. Same goes for the stars. It is hard for many to fathom. Rain so much that little could grow. Or snowing for weeks to months nonstop. I can believe people thought there was no Moon, if seeing is believing. We are the decendants of the survivors of that period of darkness. Also imagine that impacts from meterors continued for a spell, as if in cycles, as we traversed the Sun. Through the clouds a flaming object appears and wreck savagely the landscapes. I'd live in caves too until it was safe again. Such events could have also given rise to the legends of fire breathing dragons. All we have left of those times are a scant few legends.


Wow 🤩 I heard this before. I look forward to this‼️ 🤔


I was just watching the video about how the Anunnaki and Atlantians are the same and how they came here, when I had the wild idea that what if the moon is a secret base for them, and what they came here on


The moon was deliberately moved into its orbit now to watch over us and create such exciting sights as a eclipse.


I heard something like this b4 claiming they were moonless nights and some claimed it juhs appeared from no where


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us in the 30's the true history of the moon. And yes there was a time that the moon was not in the sky.


Now it seems like so many important holidays are based around the moon. The Paschal moon for one. It’s interesting to think we could go from no moon to that. I wonder what that tells us.


My only issue with the moon is why i still see it during the daylight. Lol i thought it was supposed to be on the other side of the world where its dark out 😂. Also as far as no moon are you sure they weren't referring to the new moon and phases of the new moon where you can barely see it? Not saying its not true but i like looking at all possibilities before forming my own. Also can someone tell me why the moon is still visible during the day?


Two brothers had stolen it and drove it to earth


Not many know that the moon most of you know, was once part of the Earth.


The moon is an artifact an extraterrestrial base for group of extraterrestrial 👽 🌚


Another high level enlightenment to upgrade the DNA 8 ether beings pressure
