Digital Minimalism with Cal Newport

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Cal Newport reviews his book, "Digital Minimalism". Cal noticed how people were becoming uneasy with their phones.

Cal explains the two responses for people dealing with their phones, and how those responses don't work. He then goes on to provide a solution to technology use. Cal explains what Digital Minimalism is.

Cal explains the 30-day Digital De-clutter.

0:00 Cal's inspiration for writing the book
1:00 The 2 responses to phone problems
3:00 Money invested into our attention
4:12 Phones service a need
5:28 The solution to technology use

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About Cal Newport:
Cal Newport is a computer science professor at Georgetown University. In addition to his academic research, he writes about the intersection of digital technology and culture. Cal's particularly interested in our struggle to deploy these tools in ways that support instead of subvert the things we care about in both our personal and professional lives.

Cal is a New York Times bestselling author of seven books, including, most recently, A World Without Email, Digital Minimalism, and Deep Work. He's also the creator of The Time-Block Planner.

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#WorldWithoutEmail #DeepQuestionsPodcast
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'You have to be comfortable missing out on everything else'
That's it


As an artist and a writer, your work is such an important reminder to me that the quality of my quiet time is very important. I realized that if I don't fill it up with empty, mindless scrolling I can instead use my quiet/down time to be more creative.


I am 42 so I remember the days where social media was not a thing and I didn’t feel anxious just constantly pushing myself away from some thing that could gobble up my attention, I feel like I’m more addictive than a drug addict. I desperately want to know what the hell I did in in 2005 where none of this nightmare existed. I want to go back to living that way. I wish the smart phone was never invented.


Oh god, this was meant for me! My phone has been my "dummy" for the last two years. Sigh, I need to get real about my intentions. Thanks for all you do Cal.


I used to watch 8-12 hours of YouTube a day and sometimes more if I didn't have anything else to do. At times it was so invasive I'd listen to videos in the shower, and go to sleep watching just to pick it up again the next morning. It wasn't always that bad, but six months ago, I disabled the app on my phone (won't let me delete), and I installed a browser extension on all my web browsers called unhook. It hides whatever you want. I have it redirect my home page on YouTube to my subscriptions. I don't see recommended videos next to or after videos, I don't see notifications, no autoplay, nothing. Just a feed of all my YT subscriptions in order. It's absolutely helped me take control and in combination with other things helped me improve my life.


Okay. I love how simple and actually boring this video is in a good way that it just slows me down. No useless images no useless clickbait. Just simple beautiful useful content 🙏❤


My dad had a flip phone most of his life.He was always up and down doing chores and going on vacations.


I'm very proud of myself that I'm already doing the same for last few months. I failed sometimes because of FOMO, but not this time. the best peace of advice in this video "You have to be comfortable missing out on everything else".


Thank you so much for this video!

Here are my key takeaways:

* You have to be comfortable missing out. The stuff you are missing out on, is actually not even
worth experiencing in the first place.
* Be intentional about how you use technology. First you need a life philosophy, an idea of what
kind of life you want to live. Then you can figure out how technology fits into that.
* Do not use social media etc on your phone. Use it on your computer.

After some thinking, here is how I can use technology and the internet in my life:

* I do like twitter, twitch, and youtube. I use them for two things: studying, and entertainment.
* I want to be entertained only when I can really enjoy it, such as in the afternoon after my work is done.
* I really love the idea of getting in bed and watching some of my favorite youtubers for 30 minutes or so,
but watching it in the morning or during the day is not good.
* Since I like watching youtube, why would I watch it on my phone? The experience is much better on a large
screen. The same goes for twitch, especially so since the chat is an essential part of the experience.

What I will do:

* Uninstall twitter, twitch, and youtube from my phone, adapt the mindset of only using them on my laptop.
* Use two of my google accounts to have separate youtube experiences. One is for studying,
one is for entertainment.
* On twitter, I will follow only the studying-people, and make lists for the entertainment-people.


Commenting only bcz this is GOLD and I want algorithm to show it to other people.


I intentionally hide my phone when my kids is near, because time with our loved ones is a treasure, and we should spend more time to interact with nature, it's crucial


Now that you're on YouTube, my deep work is gonna get wrekt. Gonna spend all my time watching you 😅. The Newport paradox: listening to Cal in all the time I'm supposed to be acting on what I've learned from him.


As someone who has been working from home for 2+ years, find this very helpful and every bit of it strikes me as "correct". As of 10-25-2022 only 31K people have viewed this video whereas a "cats scared of cucumbers" video has 6M views. I think that says a lot about the problems were dealing with in these days


Last year I dumped social media from my phone. I just flat cancelled the accounts and deleted everything from my phone that was SM related. I don't even have Youtube on the phone. I have some apps for work, books, music, podcasts and 1 word search game. Oh, and I take some pictures with it though, never a selfie. LOL My daily screen on time usually runs from 1-1.5 hours. Things are much better.


Great insight - have loved a few of your books and now it's great to find your channel. Getting out of the dopamine sickness now and starting to feel better. Thank you!


I listened your podcasts a lot and my life is drastically changed since then. This video is also quite important to understand the concept of digital minimalism. Thanks a lot!


I like that the video is just straightforward. It's like getting to the bottom of it from the start till the end. Please continue what you're doing and sharing, Cal. You have influenced me a lot when it comes to eliminating useless social media amd newsfeed.


I really loved this video, what I learn from this:
1. Minimalizm is not == minimization. Minimalizm means intentionality
2. detoxicatioin and apps may not work without intentinoality most likely they will never without it
3. I definetely should work on self-awareness


I might be the few but social media never got me addicted to it. I always made it so that my feed had things I enjoyed: spiritual videos, funny videos and simple beauty /health products. I think the biggest reason why I never got addicted to it was because I gain so much more deeper satisfaction in other areas of my life time with friends, spiritual practice, or other digital avenues such as youtube with long in depth video about topics (whether they be about electromagnetic waves or celebrity gossip). Taking ownership and control over what you take in by being as Cal said intentional. Press that dislike button or select the suggest less of these videos option. We as a society can't keep blaming technology and companies for all of it. People get addicted to things mainly because there is a lack or something they are running away from.


Your point on purposeful use of technology is really salient. I'm part of a few guitar groups on Facebook and THATS IT for my interaction with Facebook.
