Friedrich Hegel - On God

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Friedrich Hegel - Quotes on God
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (27 August 1770 – 14 November 1831) was a German philosopher. He is considered one of the most important figures in German idealism and one of the founding figures of Modern philosophy, with his influence extending to epistemology, logic, metaphysics, aesthetics, philosophy of history, philosophy of religion, and the history of philosophy.

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Please note, this is only a reenactment of a past, historical personality using his/her image, words, speeches, and thoughts with the help of artificial voice and AI technology just as in any other theatrical performance for the sake of motivation and education and is in no way to be taken as an offense against the persons themselves.

God is the absolute truth...
God is, as it were, the sewer into which all contradictions flow.
The proofs of the existence of God are to such an extent fallen into discredit that they pass for something antiquated, belonging to days gone by.

The beginning of religion, more precisely its content, is the concept of religion itself, that God is the absolute truth, the truth of all things, and subjectively that religion alone is the absolutely true knowledge.

Everything that from eternity has happened in heaven and earth, the life of God, and all the deeds of time simply are the struggles for Spirit to know Itself, to find Itself, be for Itself, and finally unite itself to Itself; it is alienated and divided, but only so as to be able thus to find itself and return to Itself...As existing in an individual form, this liberation is called 'I'; as developed to its totality, it is free Spirit; as feeling, it is Love; and as enjoyment, it is Blessedness.


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Bro when Hegel started speaking I was shocked


didnt expect this thing to start speaking


Hegel's voice wouldn't sound "young" like that. His voice would be old and scraggly.


He didn't shocked me but AI must have shocked him😂


I started laughing at “And finally unit itself with itself” 😂 😂. Reminded me of Austin Powers “Please allow myself to introduce, myself”


Hypocrisy is the Human Condition..and the Human Condition is proof of God.


Hagel and I share a birthday and nose.


Fake! They did not have video, let alone colored video, in Hegel's day. Hegel also almost certainly did not speak English with an American accent. Don't let these deep fakes deceive you.


Chup yrr tu bhaii dimag khrab hora h pdke tuje 🙏🙏🙏🙏


It would be so cool if you deleted this
