INFPs: This is HOW to ESCAPE the LOOP #infp #isfp #enfp #enfj #intj #infj

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In this short I describe exactly how INFPs can escape the Fi-Si Loop.

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yeah.. that is really it.. Need to break the loop, get off my arse..

Well.. speed dating here i come, haha. Always wanted to do that.

Thx man, initiating break the loop.


You know this loop has a time and a space in our lives..but anything can be abused and our 'feel good' escape is no exception...we must protect it by ...Living...we must be present in the moment, we must experience the eternal moment using external here...switch on your logical thinking..what is the most important thing I need to do next, then what, than, what...picture you going from one to the other..get up take your first step...that was the hardest one...make your vision day learn to meditate you will develop brakes to instantly stop feeling thoughts on is worth it.learn to take a break from feeling take a vacation... really live the life of your wildest dreams...oh with feeling lol how else is there?


infp here. everytime i do something that makes me uncomfortable, it just adds to my trauma and makes things worse. Like ex: I did singing in public for years, and perfomoring on stage for years and rather than making me more confident. It just made my stage fright worse. So I think for me exposure therapy like doing uncomfy things doesnt help :(
