Skydio R1: Introducing Car Follow

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With the software update available today, R1 users now have the ability to follow cars and other vehicles. It is perfect for capturing all of the action on your next adventure, from off-road 4x4ing, autocross racing, to following your golf cart on the course - R1 will capture stunning footage autonomously.

Never use car follow on public roads, it is designed for closed course driving like off-road parks and autocross racing.

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I'm so happy that Skydio R1 is a real product being sold now, instead of so much Kickstarter vaporware and promises that come to nothing.


this drone is insane! id like to know why for $2, 500 the IQ looks like a Hero 3 though? seriously? maybe version 2 will catch up with Gopro or DJI on IQ & detailed images. aside from that (which i won't buy one with this bad IQ) id love to own this bad boy and hope v2 improves! aside from my bitching kudos to Skydio on this amazing tech!!


And it costs as much as a used car too!


fantastic treking and really bad video quality )
