Should you try the Deshroud Mod on RTX 3080? Replacing the stock fans on ASUS Strix

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Decided to deshroud my gpu the asus strix rtx 3080 and see what kind of temps I could get inside the nr200 with the mesh panel compared it to the asus stock fans. Will this run cooler and quitier in a small form factor pc

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Deshroud is to improve noise not really temps, you can get the same temps as stock with half the noise


Wow this is actually really interesting. I was planning on deshrouding then mounting fans on the bottom of the case (wouldn't fit with the shroud on) hoping for better temps. Thanks for testing and putting this info out there!


I think you should put the respective surface for creating air current into perspective too.
3x 95mm stock fans = 21, 264mm²
2x 120mm fans = 22, 618mm²
Seems about better, doesn't it? BUT you have to also take into account the surface area of the cooler (the fins), that air actually goes through.
Additionally you should think about air channels (or fan duct), because otherweise you create turbulances.

In conglusion it seems you cover less cooler surface with those twei 120mm fans as well as generate turbulances, because without the shroud there is no forced way the air current has to follow.

Therefor I would A) use two 140mm fans instead to cover more surface area (if possible to fit them into your case), B) as a proof of concept put tape around the fans and the cooler to create a provisionally custom shroud aka fan duct, and C) chose fans with good static pressure over airflow (because you need to push the air through obstacles and not just create unobstructed airflow).

And if you really want to exclude other factors, use a test bench without an enclosed case for comparison. Maybe your enclosed small case generates air turbulances your deshroud mod cannot overcome somehow.


That central fan (among stock fans) gives me a headache, it keeps scratching the shroud every time it spools up. I even replaced fans for completely new, but to no avail. Need gonna try deshroud too, thanks.


not enough fan coverage and your case might as well be dunked in magma to reduce airflow even further


Not all graphic cards are worth deshrouding.. Newer cards and higher tear cards are better optimized for cooling than cheaper or older cards. For example my old PowerColor RedDevil AMD RX580 8gb was running on stock fans like on idle 60 degrees and when i run some games it was like 82 degrees after deshrouding my temperatures are on idle 36 and under full load around 63 degrees celsia and fans are running like 25% so much quieter..


I would try a 120mm and a 140mm instead of two 120mm fans and see if that helps.


The P12s aren’t great replacement fans for the stock ones. To improve temps and not just noise you would need to spend a bit more and get decent high pressure fans such as the Phanteks T30 or Noctua A12x25.


Did you ever look into this further? Did you find a better than stock setup?


Looks to me you didn´t do anything wrong but is just that that particular model isn't needing any help to start with.


Hey i wanted to ask, did you managed to deshroud your Rog Strix 3080 without removing the backplate? My has a fan that needs to be replaced soon, but as i can see on the web this cards design requires a full disassembly of the card for a basic fan replacement (because shroud screws are hidden inside the card), so i will lose my warranty if i need to change a fan, or is there some sort of trick?


I’m curious did you test it with the PG side panel so the airflow doesn’t escape? And did you test it with some noctuas. I’m considering to build same thing 5800x 240aio and 3080 strix but I wonder which is optimal deshroud or stock plus 2 12x15 noctuas at the bottom


Most likely, because how the fan (p12) fit the radiator. If you would´ve had 100x25mm and slap 3 of them just right in the gaps, most likely the mod would´ve worked. But if you need that for the mod to work, it means the stock cooling solution is pretty good already, and the mod will most likely barely add gone are the days where you would slap 2x120mm fans on the rad and shave 20ºC.

Try the mod out of the PC case, or in a ATX airflow case. In the ITX you have, most likely the stock plastic shroud has something to do with the and recycling.

I have right now a 1080 strix with 2x120mm sw3. At same noise, im shaving around 6-7ºC.


this is like linus mesh vs non mesh front panel video


Personally I'd rather keep looks over bit extra cooling 😎 yolo ASUS know better


Where did you bought those gpu adapters?


What are those cable (extensions?) That you used for the pcie power cables? (Look angled and much less clutter)


When you deshrouded the fans did you have to redo the thermal pad and thermal paste?


is it possible deshroud fan only without disassembling pcb plate ?


P12 isn't good enough for heat sinks
