Trailer MOMENTUM  by CocoonDance company

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Trailer filmed and edited by Michael Maurissens/ CARRÉ BLANC PRODUCTIONS

Premiere: 7 April, 2016 at theaterimballsaal, Bonn
Further performances:
13, 14, 15, 16 April, 2016, theaterimballsaal, Bonn
28 April, 2016, Festival ME YA BE - Kinshasa (DR Congo)
17 September, 2016, Festival "Hik et Nunk", Monthey (CH)

MOMENTUM makes a connection between the dancers and the audience through the palpable feeling of movement in a shared space. The dancers and the audience alike absorb the evolving kinetic energy just like the exhaustion, which become the driving elements of the performance.
There is a club-like atmosphere: A feverish, live-produced and pulsating beat surrounded by an austere, dark setting. Three chimerical figures appear from the vague darkness. Their movements are first hesitant and searching. A slight twist of the torso here, a sudden nod there, then slowly accelerating to a swaying, a twitch or a gyration of the entire body. None of these external proceedings reveal anything about the inner feelings. Only the rhythm and speed unite the movements in a structural dimension. The pure physical, sweat-inducing choreography and the fusion of light and sound are generating a hypnotic energy.

Premiere: 07 April 2016 // 20:00, Theater im Ballsaal Bonn

By and with: Alvaro Esteban, Werner Nigg, Andi Xhuma // Choreography, Direction: Rafaële Giovanola // Music: Franco Mento // Light design, set: Marc Brodeur // Parkour Workshop: Frédéric Voeffray // Choreographic Assistance: Fa-Hsuan Chen // Dramaturgy: Rainald Endraß // Management: Mechtild Tellmann // Photos by Klaus Fröhlich // Video trailer by Michael Maurissens – Dancing Frames Productions

In collaboration with: Theater im Ballsaal Bonn, Malévoz Quartier Culturel, Théâtre du Crochetan Monthey (CH).
Funded by: Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bundesstadt Bonn, Théâtre-ProVS, Le Conseil de la Culture Etat du Valais, La Loterie Romande.
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