Trailer HYBRIDITY by CocoonDance company

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Video filmed and edited by Michael Maurissens/ CARRE BLANC PRODUCTIONS


In its last pieces CocoonDance embarked on the search for the 'unthought' body.
The starting point of such projects like MOMENTUM or VIS MOTRIX was the physical encounter with a different, alien form of movement. HYBRIDITY brings together two very different cultures of movement and their associated body concepts - on one hand Muay Thai (also called Thai boxes) which has been practiced in Thailand for hundreds of years, and on the other hand, the romantic ballet, in the form for example associated with Mikhail Fokine. In order to be able to study the material as authentically as possible, we are in contact with the granddaughter of Mikhail Fokine, Isabelle Fokine, who administrates his heritage and is advising ballet companies worldwide for rehearsals of Fokine's choreographies, as well as for Muay Thai the former World and European champion Priest Tyron West.

German premiere: 18.09.2020, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr Mülheim (DE)
Swiss premiere: 23.09.2020, Théâtre du Crochetan Monthey (CH)

In collaboration with Ringlokschuppen Ruhr Mülheim, Théâtre du Crochetan Monthey, Malévoz Quartier Culturel, Hessisches Staatsballett/ Staatstheater Wiesbaden, Theater im Ballsaal Bonn

Funded by: Pro Helvetia, ThéâtrePro Valais, Loterie Suisse Romande, Conseil de la Culture État du Valais, Fonds Darstellende Künste, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, NRW Landesbüro Darstellende Künste e.V., RheinEnergieStiftung Kultur, Bundesstadt Bonn
Trailer filmed and edited by

By and with: Fa-Hsuan Chen, Martina De Dominicis, Álvaro Esteban, Susanne Schneider/Tanja Marin Friðjónsdóttir, Anna Harms, Frédéric Voeffray
Choreography: Rafaële Giovanola
Music: Franco Mento on motives of Jörg Ritzenhoffs compositin HYBRIDITY, Light, space: Boris Kahnert, Peter Behle Costumes: Mathilde Grebot
Coaching Ballett: Isabelle Fokine
Coaching Muay Thai: Priest West
Outside eye: Tanja Marin Friðjónsdóttir/ Susanne Schneider, Leonardo Rodrigues
Dramaturgy: Rainald Endraß
Production management: Daniela Ebert, Neele Renzland
Management: Mechtild Tellmann, GROUNDWORKERS
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