How Rip Currents Can Pull You Out To Sea 🌊😨

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This is the most helpful example of this concept I’ve ever seen, it makes me feel more confident if I ever find myself in that situation


Glad you actually explained this correctly. It’s not a “riptide”, it’s a rip current, and they do pull you away from the shore, but never underwater. Most people get those two things wrong


I’ve been in this situation before and had no idea what was happening.

I was only a few meters from the shoreline when I started to feel a pull. Unaware and panicked, I began swimming against the current because I thought I could make it. But the current was too strong and kept dragging me further and further into the ocean. Instead of remaining calm, I exerted all my energy and quickly found myself way out at sea.

I was exhausted and didn’t have enough energy to stay afloat let alone swim back to shore. I would’ve drowned that day if not for a surfer chilling on his board in the middle of the water waiting for his next wave. He saw me struggle, so he grabbed me and told me to hold onto his board. He slowly swam back to shore while I gasped for air. He gave the lifeguard a good piece of his mind whilst I coughed up seawater.

I was 15 or 16 then and had nothing to offer him but immense gratitude. I’ve always wished I could’ve bought him a beer, but as a broke kid, I had only my bus pass, a bottle of water and a towel. I think about that dude often when I go to the beach.

I hope he’s well.


"Hey dude, want to go to the beach"
"What beach?"
"Zack D. Films"


Bro is just making us terrified of swimming😭😭


As a surfer, I’ve saved so many people stuck in rip currents. The number one tip is to just chill out. What this video doesn’t tell you is that they are similar to convection currents and they will 100% of the time push you right back to shore if you just relax. Also it’s extremely rare that a rip currents is more than 50-75 feet long. Usually they are very short and die out almost immediately.

Surfers use rip currents to get out past the break all the time. They are your friend if you just stay calm :)


Few years ago I almost lost my life to this.
I remember I was swimming with a friend and we were talking while swimming. 30 seconds later we realized we were way further away from the shore than we actually had swam. We started swimming towards the beach but we were only getting further away. You can’t feel any current at all, you’re just dragged towards the ocean.
She began crying, I yelled for help and out of nowhere a surfer came to our rescue. I swear there was nobody there, God sent that dude. I am 100% certain that if that surfer wasn’t there to help us with his surf board I would be dead now. Thank you Lord.


Kid back in middle school 2015 passed away from a current never found his body never knew bro personally but seen him at summer school month prior this is great advice and should be taught to everyone learning how to swim


Dang, Zack bought the whole private beach 💀


My uncle drowned because of a rip current, he is almost graduating but they went on a trip with his friends at the beach. I never met him since he died before I was born. It's always scary that nature always reminds us how our life can easily be taken at any moment.


These are everywhere in Australia, it’s imperative if you live or are visiting that you familiarise yourself with the concept, the amount of tourists who have needed to be rescued is huge


Went surfing once, I purposely got stuck in a current to get further away from the beach and find the best and rarest waves. When I tried to exit, It was really really wide and I couldn’t get out. I paddled so hard but it felt like I wasn’t doing anything. When I got out, I had to lay down on my board to get all my energy back. The oceans scary.


sends you straight in a zone full of pokemon duels


Rare moments when zack animation actually help people instead of traumatizing people


Thanks for the visuals. Its so helpful to see how this happens.. this happened to my cousin when he was 13 yrs old. Rest in peace.


I might be wrong, but I've heard someone say that these currents often come back to the shore, it can take a long time but you can easily float on salt water, so if you don't manage to escape the current, don't fight the water as it will only make you tired.


Aussie here!
We learn this from day one, always swim parallel, or if you aren't a strong swimmer (then wtf are you doing in the ocean to begin with??) then relax and let the rip pull you out, you will eventually be pulled back in as the water circulates.

Ideally you swim between the flags and have enough experience that you can swim parallel if you fuck up.


I live in a place where every kid is taught about rip currents since they’re like 5 years old or younger, I’ve been in many rips with my friends while camping and we just stay calm, swim out the side and swim back in.


*me, in Australia, the moment he says "invisible currents"*


When even the Sea-Shore has a middle part:
