C9 vs TL Highlights ALL GAMES | LCS Summer Playoffs Round 1 | Cloud9 vs Team Liquid

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C9 vs TL Highlights Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4, Game 5, ALL GAMES | LCS Summer Playoffs Round 1 | Cloud9 vs Team Liquid

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Pahuku "Perkz" Erkzio is an amatuer League of Legends mid laner in the Uzbekistani Junior League. He currently works full time at a shoe shine stand in the central sewer system of Samarkand. He aims to become an industrial plumber in Tashkenk


Everyone's talking about Perkz but the whole team got gapped. Fudge played like shit and the only game were he seemed ok was the last game they lost. Blaber is one if the most inconsistent smiters/jugglers in NA, dude literally farms all game while Santorin is getting his lanes ahead. Vulcan was getting out roamed, Zven was almost nonexistent and Perkz got gapped by Jensen. However everyone blaming Perkz is insane. Not a single person played well.


0:03 doublelift still in the background XD


CoreJJ looks so chill, always looks like he's enjoying the game very much. Easy MVP of the series, next to zero mistake.


Well, no one talk about blaber but he was real trash today. Just look the last fight of game 4 when he hit by sejuani q. If you dont flash this, what will make encourge you to press the fucking f button?


Perkz actually getting hard gapped every game, amazing by Santorin and CoreJJ too!


i feel like if c9 sticked to the "camp alphari all series" strategy, theyve would had a chance. well at least tl did exactly that with c9's solo laners


Perkz still looking like a little griefer. Also the last game is so fucking tilting to watch. Like why is c9 not playing around bot? Whats the shen support gonna do?


Blaber overrated and it finally is noticable. Blaber without winning lanes or the team playing for him is avtually not impacting the game at all. Yes he is really good if he is allowed to carry but he can’t get to that point making his own plays early.


and thats why CoreJJ is ALL stars pro team support :)


Did C9 play great? No. Did C9 and TL both in this series roam better around the map early than any other NA team? Yes. I think this is a big key factor that I think people do not pay attention to. I think this helps not only TL a lot against TSM if they just ban certain TSM power picks and then win early. But also this helps C9 still for the loser bracket. I just don't really know which teams beat C9 in a series if they continue moving around the map well early. Against a lot of other teams they probably just win early and then that results in the series win. I think TL just played better than they've ever had early moving around the map and combined with their overall better players, mostly solo laners it ended up resulting in the pretty easy win.


11 million dollars to go crashing out of the winner’s bracket in the weakest major region.


My how the turns have tabled.

So much fun to watch the C9 fan boys cry their pathetic tears and make up excuses for why TL isn't definitively the best LCS team by a wide margin

I said it all year long, C9 hasn't faced TL at full strength since Lock-In. We now see what happens when they do. They get outclassed in every category.

Learn your fucking place, and don't EVER forget it.


Next season of LCS, Fire Drake brought to you by Taco Bell


perkz laughing his ass off rn after ripping off c9


That is so sad for Perkz, he adapted to NA level and i dont think he will go back to his prime level anymore.


If Jensen play well, TL just rocking.


Jensens Leesin be clean these games. He put in work especially game 1


Mid/jung carried this series. Everyone else was irrelevant when the gap there was that big.

Don't get me wrong the drafts helped. Seemed C9 didn't respect the Sej-Melee comp never seemed to have an answer... (well the answer seemed to be hope TL don't win the game by 20 minutes do nothing pro-active and then take fights at around mid game that we've actively avoided all game to scale and throw).

Jensen always steps up for playoffs but expected the same from Perkz. C9 seem to have real mental woes, fudge inting desparately for 2 kills knowing its a suicide run when he could get out, just doesn't make sense.


Support mid laner Nisqy + Support top laner Licorice =Superstar Blaber
Hard carry mid laner Perkz + carry top laner Fudge= Garbage Blaber
Easy chemistry.
