Rapid Evolution Is Real…These Species Changed in Front of Our Eyes

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Evolution doesn’t have to take a hundred millennia. Some species can biologically adapt to new environments in a few short years, here’s how.

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What is Darwin's Theory of Evolution?
“Evolution by natural selection is one of the best substantiated theories in the history of science, supported by evidence from a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including paleontology, geology, genetics and developmental biology.”

These Crickets Can’t Sing Anymore—But They’re Still Trying
“It took several years for the crickets of Kauai to fall silent. When Marlene Zuk first visited the Hawaiian island in 1991, she heard the insects chirping away, loudly and repeatedly. But every time she went back, the chirping diminished. In 2001, she only heard a single male, apparently singing into the void.”

What Darwin Didn’t Know
“Charles Darwin was just 28 years old when, in 1837, he scribbled in a notebook “one species does change into another”—one of the first hints of his great theory.”


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This episode of Seeker was hosted by Trace Dominguez

Written by: Victoria Barrios
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I'm afraid of the rapid evolution of the viruses at the moment :0


But it did take many generations for the crickets to evolve as a species. Think about their lifespan with respect to 5 years. Darwin wasn't that wrong


I'm surprised you didn't mention the Elephants shrinking tusks. It's not as timely as the smaller species but looking at how few generations had to actually pass to see this change it's comparatively as rapid.


Bacteria resisting medicine is a clear example yes?


If evolution is like a test, then is rapid evolution like cheating?
Is that how the cheetah became so fast? it's a... cheetah.


So, how did you creationists even find this video so fast? Do you type "evolution" in the search bar and try to disprove the first video that shows up or something? Get a life, honestly


Trace will evolve into a wild charzard


Be sure creationists will use this information to argue that all the variants of species we see now has evolved during 5000 years from pairs of a few species taken on board Noah's Ark. By the way: I am not a creationist. But everybody should be prepared to meet this faulty argument.


Rapid evolution gameplay: Haha bees open a soda to get sugar!
Rapid evolution lore:


I've always been very well aware of how the environment affects my jeans. I've had to wash them every week for years!


This was a great little video, I'm really enjoying your channel I just stumbled across!


Fantastic video. One thing to note for everyone extrapolating this to the whole Evolution/Creation debate: the evolution in this video is known as microevolution, virtually undisputed even among creationists. Of course there can be changes within species; many creationists have problems accepting change into different species. (Not saying I'm in that camp; just thought I'd make the distinction.)


the lab b-roll that had nothing to do with evolutionary biology


The cricket example might be an example of a "suicidal" form of evolution.
The "silent" type is parasite resistant, but needs the "loud" type for reproduction, and at the same time prevents the loud type from reproducing, by taking its place with the female crickets, which means the ratio of "silent to loud" male crickets is increasing.
The bigger that ratio is, the more silent males are competing with every loud male for each female it attracts, and the less likely it is for the loud genes to pass on to the next generation.
This might lead to the rapid disappearance of the loud type, and without sound the females don't know where to find the (silent) males... which will lead to the rapid disappearance of all crickets.
An extinction of the crickets might kill the parasites as well.


Hello The Seeker I want to know more about a genetic condition name cipl congenital insensitivity to feel pain so you can talk about this condition that would be really helpful ...


Yes, even repellant doesn't work on mosquitoes, it's like they have developed some kind of resistance in past few years....


"Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward." ~Widely respected evolutionary scientist, Charles Francis Xavier

"You know what happens to a frog when it's struck by lightning? ~Fricken Storm... Ugh.


There's a big problem with different bacteria strains becoming resistant to antibiotics, so many people take them and it's fed to people and animals, ends up in the water, runoff into rivers, another perfect example


My strong background in evolutionary biology is very useful for designing cancer therapies.


But this is not nessecarily evolution is it? Its just parts of the genetics being activated that were always there. And the only mutations you showed were loss of function mutations. I am starting to doubt this theory as we have no idea how one thing can become another, correct?
