MSIA | John-Roger On the Process of Contracting

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MSIA Founder John-Roger shares how to go to the Kingdom of Heaven within

How do we discover who we truly are inside? MSIA (the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness) teaches Soul Transcendence — becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. Your Soul is who you truly are; it is more than your body, your thoughts, or your feelings. It is the highest aspect of yourself, where you and God are one.

MSIA offers an approach that focuses on how to incorporate spirituality into our everyday life in a tangible, workable way. We call it “practical spirituality.” It’s using everything in our life to expand and grow in a way that allows us to relate to the world from the inside out, from our loving center, and to explore the nature of our true essence as a Soul.

For over 50 years, MSIA founder John-Roger devoted his life to being a Wayshower for others to find Spirit within themselves and demonstrate how to live life in greater loving, happiness, and peace. J-R’s humor, joy, and unconditional loving embraced and touched people around the planet. His good works continue on, guiding those studying the path of Soul Transcendence.

John Morton inspires and educates people around the world on the teachings of the spiritual heart and recognizing the blessings in all situations. He serves as Spiritual Director of MSIA, anchors the Mystical Traveler Consciousness and guides those on the path of Soul Transcendence. John is an accomplished author, masterful facilitator, and loving friend to all.

MPES250 A Moment of Peace – Stepping Back from Contraction
RUN TIME: 3:08

John-Roger, DSS

J-R: I think you said that you enter into a place of contraction. There is no such place. We enter into the process of contracting. So, as soon as you say, "I've entered into, I entered into a place called 'contracted'." that means that there is literally a hell for you. But since hell is a training ground, and the place where we come to an understanding of fundamental enlightenment, then we have to look at contracted as contracting.

Now it maybe that your process took ten steps to get into it, so you went from one to ten. Like, "'Sssvoom,' I'm contracted." And nevertheless, it was a contracting process. I would take a piece of paper and start writing down, from maybe the word "neutral," into as far as contracted as I can get verbally. Words that would keep stepping me down to the next worst consequent level. That would then allow me the choice that once something's kicked off visually, instead of it running to 30 real fast, I can knock it off at 15. But I might not be able to knock it off at 15 if I don't know there is a 15. What it's doing is robbing you of the quality of your life. And so therefore, it's a thief. And the thief hung with the Christ. So you can't condemn it or attempt to crucify it. Except you want to put it in its proper place, which said, "Remember me Lord when you come into Your Kingdom." So you have to go to the Kingdom within real fast, which is a tremendous, joyful place. And from that place, start to look at what is the process of moving this person into the Kingdom with me. And most of us are waiting till we get to a better place inside of us in order to start. And then we start to forgive, or do we start wherever we are? We don't have much choice but to start where we are.

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