Digestive System | Summary

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The main organs of the digestive system include the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, and the large intestine. The mouth softens the food into a bolus, which is moved, via peristalsis, down the esophagus and into the stomach. Three layers of muscle churn the food into a uniform mixture called chyme. Parietal cells form HCl, which activates the enzyme pepsin and begins protein digestion.

The small intestine is very long and has many folds called villi that increase surface area to increase efficiency of digestion and nutrient absorption). The three parts of the small intestine are the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. The duodenum receives digestive enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gall bladder. Most chemical digestion occurs in the duodenum, and much of the absorption as well. The jejunum and the ileum complete nutrient absorption.
The large intestine reabsorbs water from the forming feces and is home to thousands of species of microbes (that contribute to our health in a number of ways). The appendix is an immune organ that holds a reservoir of bacteria to repopulate the colon after diarrheal diseases (and probably has other functions as well). The large intestine also includes the ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid portions of the colon, and ends with the straight rectum.

Accessory organs include the salivary glands (parotid, sublingual, and submandibular), the liver (makes bile, stores glucose as glycogen, along with about 200 other functions!), the gall bladder (stores and concentrates bile), and the pancreas (makes digestive enzymes such as amylase, proteases, and lipases).

The intestinal wall has four layers: mucosa, submucosa, smooth muscle, and peritoneum.
Sugars and amino acids enter the hepatic portal vein and go to the liver for processing. Fats directly enter the lymphatic vessels and are dumped into the vena cava and go straight to the heart, which relies almost exclusively on fat for fuel.
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I am 47 years old and in the process of preparing for the Teas test, and I thank God that I found you! Thank you for sharing your gift, and May God Bless you and your!


I have severe ADHD and I just want to say I wish I would have discovered your videos a lot sooner. I did pass my TEAS yesterday. I was really struggling with the digestive system so I stumbled upon this video one day and omg the way you teach is amazing for people with ADHD. This video forced me to slow down and actually pay attention to what you were teaching. I learned so much information just from this one video. The way you took the time to use the different colors was just everything. I really appreciate what you do here for the people. I had a very strange, all-over-the-place way of studying when I first started studying. However for anyone who needs to study every single section of A+P I would recommend you watch one video at a time by Susanna. Take it one day at a time, one section at a time. I guarantee this will help you learn the material. I had been out of college for 6 years so I needed a complete refresher. Thank you so much. Your diagrams, drawings and way of teaching is just fantastic.


That was honestly one of the greatest breakdowns I have ever watched!! Thank you so much


You are a treasure I just found. Thank you for the richness you've put up here to benefit us. More Blessings to you.


I honestly can say you are awesome, thank you for being so creative with the teaching. I am a visual learner and things stick more when i see it visually. But you go above and beyond. And i just clicked the link and saw that you have diagrams, seriously thank you.


I am currently studying for the NCLEX and you may have just saved me ;) The digestive system has been the more difficult one for me! You are a huge blessing in such a stressful time! Never stop teaching! Thank you and God Bless!


OMG, I LOVE YOU I love how you drew everything out as well, I am a visual person and this helped me out a lot!!!


Main reason I love human biology was for the diagrams. All the better to come across someone who adds such detail to lovely diagrams in memorable colours. Thank you so much


This way of explanation is very simple and straight to the point....I loved it I hope some lectures get that that sometimes it is not easy to visualise everything they teach without diagrams


Thank you so much, i watched it once, ran out to the newsagents to grab a sketch pad and bunch of pens and watched it again. The way you presented this really helped me to gain the understanding i needed. The only sad thing was my artistic abilities are very blah haha. thanks again so much im sure i will be watching at least some of your other videos.


Thank you so much Susanna!! I've learned so much from your diagrams and Quizlet!!


I just came across your page. This was a great explanation! Ive also been trying to find a good way to write my notes and make summaries so this helped a lot! I can’t wait to watch more of your other videos. Thank you!


Thank you so much for creating and sharing your lessons. You make it as simple as possible and pleasing to the eyes! Very much appreciated. 😊


Agh Im taking I'm Teas Test tomorrow I'm so nervous, thank you for the info!!


We just started this system today in Anatomy & Physiology II. This video is very helpful.


Just when I have an exam on this! Thank you for your work, Susanna. I love your way of teaching and explaining.


Are these key points for the teas test ?


I’m studying for my TEAS test, and this video is VERY helpful. I love the way you explain and organize your information. Thank you!


gosh thank you so much for this breakdown of the digestive system, your explanations, drawings and highlighting really nailed it down for me. i was having a hard time understanding this portion of the body but you went in order which made it much easier to understand!!


I am not a science student, Had interest to learn how digestive system works.
This is the best video i found in youtube which explained so beautifully ❤
Subscribed your channel.
