JTAG debugging some Atmega microcontrollers with JTAG ICE (avarice, avr-gdb, avrdude)

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#arduino #atmega #linux #foss #embeddedsystems
In today video I want to show you how to use the JTAG ICE debugger to debug some Atmega microcontrollers with avr-gdb. I will maybe use an Atmega32u4 controller for my USB tutorials, this is why I came across this topic.
00:00 Intro
00:36 Supported Devices (atmega32u4 can't be debugged with the jtag ice but with other jtag debuggers)
01:44 Connections
02:40 Required Software
03:28 Build avarice
04:53 Fuse settings for On-Chip Debugging
06:43 Sample program
07:02 Program the controller
07:24 Start gdb server
08:23 Starting avr-gdb
10:33 Outro
Resources for this video:
In today video I want to show you how to use the JTAG ICE debugger to debug some Atmega microcontrollers with avr-gdb. I will maybe use an Atmega32u4 controller for my USB tutorials, this is why I came across this topic.
00:00 Intro
00:36 Supported Devices (atmega32u4 can't be debugged with the jtag ice but with other jtag debuggers)
01:44 Connections
02:40 Required Software
03:28 Build avarice
04:53 Fuse settings for On-Chip Debugging
06:43 Sample program
07:02 Program the controller
07:24 Start gdb server
08:23 Starting avr-gdb
10:33 Outro
Resources for this video:
JTAG debugging some Atmega microcontrollers with JTAG ICE (avarice, avr-gdb, avrdude)
Debug atmega328 through usb interface directly, like through jtag.
EEVblog #499 - What is JTAG and Boundary Scan?
#03 - How To Find The JTAG Interface - Hardware Hacking Tutorial
Debugging the Arduino Uno or Nano! (No extra hardware needed!)
AVR JTAG debugger
REAL Debugging Arduino + ESP32 | JTAG Programmer
Use Atmel-ICE programmer for other JTAG debugging
Debugging Tools for Atmel Products (ATJTAGICE2)
Debugging Rapsberry Pi using JTAG and CrossWorks for ARM
Arduino Pro IDE Debugger
Getting Started with Microchip Studio | Ep. 13 - Debugging Pt. 1
AVR JTAG Tutorial HD
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Debugging Embedded Systems With GDB?
Debugging and Using the Simulator 🔴 ATmega328P Programming #14 AVR microcontroller with Atmel Studio...
Electronics: Jtag debugging AVR (3 Solutions!!)
Atmel Ice Jtag Iterface Board
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Debugging with JTag
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ATSTK600, Multifunction Debug Kit