#PostgreSQL Introduction and Features

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• Year 1973 - INGRES (INteractive Graphics Retrieval System) work on one of the world's first RDBMS was started by Eugene Wong and Michael Stonebraker at University of California at Berkeley Year 1979 - Oracle Database first version was released.
• Early 1980’s - INGRES used QUEL as its preferred Query Language. Whereas Oracle used SQL Year 1985 - UC Berkeley INGRES research project officially ended
• Year 1986 - Postgres was introduced as a Post-Ingres evolution. Used POSTQUEL as its query language until 1994
• Year 1995 - Postgres95 replaced Postgres with its support for SQL as a query language
• Following the works of the Berkeley’s Professor Michael Stonebraker, in 1996 Marc G. Fournier asked if there was volunteers interested in revamping the Postgres 95 project.
• Written in C
• Flexible across all the UNIX platforms, Windows, MacOS and others
• World’s most advanced open source database. Community-driven
• ANSI/ISO Compliant SQL support
• ACID Compliant
• Supports Transactions
• Uses Write Ahead Logging
• Table Partitioning
• Tablespaces
• FDWs
• Sharding
• Host-Based Access Control
• Object-Level and Row-Level Security
• Logging and Auditing
• Encryption using SSL
High Availability
• Synchronous/Asynchronous Replication and Delayed Standby
• Cascading Replication
• Online Consistent Physical Backups and Logical Backups
ACID compliant
The word ACID is an acronym for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability. An ACID compliant database ensures those ules are enforced at any time.
• The atomiticy is enforced when a transaction is “all or nothing”. For example if a transaction inserts a group of new rows. If just one row violates the primary key then the entire transaction must be rolled back leaving the table as nothing happened.
• The consistency ensures the database is constantly in a valid state. The database steps from a valid state to another valid state without exceptions.
• The isolation is enforced when the database status can be reached like all the concurrent transactions were run in serial.
• The durability ensures the committed transactions are saved on durable storage. In the event of the database crash the database must recover to last valid state.
Postgres Instroduction,postgreSQL features,Postgres deatures,Postgres Features,PostgreSQL introduction,Postgres DBA Training,PostgreSQL DBA Course,PostgreSQL ACID Compliant,PostgreSQL Supports Transactions,PostgreSQL Uses Write Ahead Logging,PostgreSQL MVCC,PostgreSQL Table Partitioning,PostgreSQL Tablespaces,PostgreSQL Host-Based Access Control,PostgreSQL Object-Level and Row-Level Security,PostgreSQL Logging and Auditing

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Why do you need to read each and every word of each sentence to us?
You do know that we also understand and can read English, right?
Why don't you put only the main points on your slides and then you elaborate as much as required?
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