Is The 10,000 Hours Rule Real?

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The idea that 10,000 hours of practice are needed to become an expert at just about anything comes from the book Outliers. This idea is appealing and easy to remember. However, this idea is also nonsense and detrimental to your progress.

Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Outliers, misinterpreted Anders Ericsson research on violinists when he coined the 10,000 rule. Ericsson studied Violinists and found that the best violinists had practiced for an average of 10,000 hours by the time they were twenty. Malcolm Gladwell took this as evidence that 10,000 hours are needed to become an expert at most activities.

However, Malcolm Gladwell’s assumption is wrong in many ways.

First of all, at twenty years old, these students were not masters of the violin. Ericsson writes “They were good students, but still had a long way to go until they could win international competitions.” Pianists typically win competitions at 30 years old when they have accumulated around 20,000 hours of practice. Also, 10,000 hours was simply an average. Some of the violinists had more and some had less.

The reality is that there is no magical number of hours that will make you an expert. The number of hours needed to become an expert ultimately depends on your training methods and other competitors.

The reason that you must put in thousands of hours of practice to become one of the world’s best is that the people you are competing with have themselves put in thousands of hours of practice.

The takeaway from this video is that to become one of the world’s best, it’s not about reaching a certain number of hours. Instead, the focus should be on having superior training methods and more deliberate practice than your competitors.

I will end this video with an inspiring statement from Anders Ericsson, the world’s leading researcher on expertise.

To date, we have found no limitations to the improvements that can be made with particular types of practice. As training techniques improve, people in every area of human endeavor find ways to raise the bar on what was thought to be possible, and there is no sign that this will stop. The horizons of human potential are expanding with each new generation.

Thank you for watching. If you want to access the best training methods in the world, click on Optimal Training Methods in the description and to see how your athletic skills rank among the best athletes in the world, click on Highlight Reel also in the description.

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You have misinterpreted what Gladwell said. It's a concept and not an exact science. He plainly states that it takes a lot of intentional practice to get good at anything. I don't believe he said a master or a champion. And he also said it's not a hard and fast rule because all individuals are different. Why split hair on something we all know is true? To achieve anything that is sustainable requires a lot of time and effort. There are no shortcuts, is what he is really saying.


Hey Bro, my wife and I just watched your video!! We loved it and the editing was really awesome! Also, I learnt a lot from it!! Thank you!! 🤗👍🏽


Quality and Quantity are both key and you should not exclude one or the other but I will say you should always try to optimize and better each approach. Too much quantity can cause burnout and too little quality can be a waste of time. Be competent and Optimize


Focus on having superior training methods and more deliberate practice than your competitors, not on reaching a magical number of hours. To see how you rank as an athlete, click on the link in the description to be notified when Highlight Reel launches.


Havent seen many of your videos but all the ones I have seen are spot on! Keep up the good work.


Totally agree with you brother ✔🙌

Love from India


What about the nature vs nurture debate..🤔
Can anyone become an expert or at least kind-of-an-expert with enough hard work ??
Another question if I practice and practice with no results ..😔
➡️Does that mean I reached my limit ??
➡️Are there limits anyway ??


I didn't get it !!! I mean ... what is the purpose of the video ? What should we do ?
Does " practise makes perfect " not work ?


Wayne gretzky only played for about 6500-6600 hours until retirement. 7000 including his chl-nhl games


Did you read the book? There's a lot more to take away than this one popular generalization of 10, 000 hrs. Kind of seems like you're contradicting just to gain some views


the links you claimed were in the description are not


in short: no.

The 10k hour rule doesn´t apply to anything.

Talent is very real. Practice can only help you reach your potential which is useless because you aren´t competing against yourself, you are competing against everyone else. No amount of practice will help the average person run like Usain Bolt, swim like Phelps or play Basketball like Michael Jordan.


Hey Bro you are way of the mark and do not understand the 10 000 hour rule at all and you should not talk about it.


so i've practiced freestyle rapping from 17 to 20 years old then i hung up the mic and started writing and producing songs from 26 until present and just recently about 2 years ago i started freestyling again not consistently until just recently i made a plan to produce 3 uploads of decent enough freestyle sessions all about 2min long on average not to mention the outtake sessions that i didnt upload. my plan is a diagram of a deficit suprlus chart in case i miss a day or two or a week or do extra credit so i can see how many i need to produce so that in a year i have 1000 uploads. if i discount the outtakes and only count the uploaded sessions to complete a thousand but my ultimate goal is 9, 000 in 9 years. i might get there sooner than 9 years or later. but 9000 uploads equals 18, 000 minutes divided into hours and that is barely 300 hours yeah the 10, 000 hours is bs. because your brain like a muscle can get over exhausted and develop bad habits and sleep and exercise and time passing also contributes to growth in your intelligence. you dont go to the gym and do 30 sets of weights everyday because that can actually be counter productive. you need rest and to reflect on your work and analyze it to become better
