How to Cook a Japanese Wagyu Steak A5 | Dads That Cook

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Watch as Chef Jim (Big Jim's BBQ) prepares and grills a Wagyu Beef A5 Steak that quite literally melts in your mouth! Served with a side of Asparagus done just right...

Hey, it's Jason Glover with Dads That Cook. Today is unreal. Big Jim Modesitt, I call him Little Jim, a self-taught barbecue guru, really, actually, because he's won a ton of awards all over the place. He's got this special piece of meat that he's going to share with us, here at Dads That Cook, that I'm flipped out about it. I can't believe you even got this thing. A wonderful slice. Now-A slice?
This is a A5 Japanese wagyu beef, and this one is rated at 10, out of grade from one to 10, due to the marbling. You see the marbling that we have right here?
Yeah. Right, right. The marbling is perfect. We're looking at some wonderful, wonderful marbling in there, and I'm really excited to cook this for you.
What makes it special? Well, this cut of meat right here is based on a small group in Japan. I think they only have maybe 0.5% of the beef in the entire world.
Wow. The beef is actually fed wonderful ingredients. The cows are actually massaged. Are they really? Yes, they are. I thought you were kidding with me. I'm seriously-
Oh, no. Spa. Yeah. Really? Yeah. Like, they go in the hot tub and hang out, and get a massage? They're pampered. Pampered.
Yes. This cut of meat is mouthwatering. It has a wonderful nutty flavor to it and it's going to be delicious. I can't wait. Oh, yes.
That's crazy, Jim. So this is a pure joy for me because I've ... I mean, come on, who eats wagyu meat regularly, ever. I think I've probably had it once or twice, but it has been little, small pieces of stuff, and ... Look at that. What do you feel about that piece right there?
That's incredible. Oh, my God. See the marbling on there? It's just basically perfect, guys. This is a perfect 10, right here.
So, Jim, what's the process? What are we doing? Let's get it going because I want to eat it.
Japanese wagyu has so much marbling in here that we will not be cooking this on the grill itself. Right.
By doing that, it's going to create some flareups. Yeah, just a charry, burnt kind of ... When I burn stuff, I say it's blackened. Sure.
I have a cast iron plate here. I sat it on the barbecue, it's been sitting here for about eight to 10 minutes. Okay, so it's nice and hot.
Four or five hundred degrees right now. That good. I had the grill on high. Good.
I have a little small piece of the wagyu fat right here, that I'm actually going to put on here, just to give it a little bit of lubrication. Before we put on the wagyu beef, I ended up bringing the steaks to room temperature. Okay. Okay, and that's a very important part, okay. Right.
What we want to do is actually taste the meat itself, okay. Right.
So what we're going to do is we're going to add some really nice kosher salt here. Okay. I'm going to just lightly add a little salt on here, just like this, okay. And the beauty of it, since we season one side like this, I'm going to take it and put my steak down like this, salt side down- Listen to that. ... salt side down, a little bit more salt on this side right here, okay. What we're doing is, actually, we're going to be cooking the wagyu beef not even more than a minute and a half per side, okay, because we're going to want this medium-rare minus.
Going to want it to sit. Okay, and then we're going to let it sit a little bit. Okay. Take some fresh thyme, just a little of it. Oh, yeah, that smells good. Love the thyme. I'm going to tip this over, just like that. Look at that. Oh, man.
You how you can tell a steak, whether it's medium-rare, or medium, or well-done? What we do is actually, as a chef, I actually take my thumb right here, and you can take ... point on your thumb muscle. This is your rare, this is your medium-rare, this is your medium, and this is your well-done, so actually, it gets a little bit firmer right here.
That's good to know.
Jason Glover is the original Dad That Cooks and owns and operates Splash Digital Media. As a Dad and the primary cook for his family, he conceived DTC through his experiences and by talking with other Dads. When fellow Dads shared with Jason they’d love to learn from his own first-hand kitchen experiences, the idea for DTC was born. As the idea continued to keep him up at night he thought, why not leverage his film and video production and comedy background with his love of cooking for his family to become the host of DTC.

#wagyusteak #wagyu #kobesteak
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