I’m tired of this.

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What’s up brahs! Here’s links to my stuff

“ t-shirts hoodies hats stickers, etc “

Description, “ Weekly post of motorcycle related things “

“ up-to-date post, behind the scenes extras, private blogs, fake police chases and real police encounters videos “

“People who help me in someway”

Outro music

"Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio"
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Imagine being a sad boy when you could just get on your bike and be happy again lmao


One year ago I was dealing with serious depression and it took me three hours to fall asleep every night because all I wanted to do was put a gun to my head.

I started watching motorcycle videos, which includes yours Brah, and I quickly took an MSF course and bought a itty bitty Ninja 300 off Facebook. My little bike has done so much to drag me out of the dark place I was in.

Buying a motorcycle saved my life


if it wasn't for Gixxer Brah I wouldn't have graduated high school


The Brah is the main reason I bought a Gixxer thou… best free advertising Suzuki ever had! Send the Brah a CHECK, Suzuki!! 👍🏻


haters mad as hell he just made that whole news thing into a new intro 🤣


Being on a motorcycle is supposed to make you HAPPY, they're AWESOME. If you get on a motorcycle with the mindset that you're most likely gonna die, that's not normal and very unhealthy. Stay alive, spend time with your friends and family, and keep pushing yourself to be a better person. God bless!


7:45 "i got stuff to get done, i can't afford to die right now"


I feel you so hard on that about the emo posts. It’s really frustrating. I’m a funeral Director so I’m literally surrounded by death all the time and I work on it all the time, but I have a very positive outlook on life because I’m not trying to end up like my clientele. Yes I ride motorcycles but I do it because it makes me feel alive and I want to spread that joy of life not be someone who just Wallows in feelings of death and despair. You make your reality


As Neil Peart said "When I'm riding my motorcycle, I'm glad to be alive. When I stop riding my motorcycle, I'm glad to be alive."


I agree to an extent, some of those people actually do have it rough, but to be fair, those few who might post about it, wouldnt be doing it all the time. I know from personal experience that bc I had a haunting childhood, physical and mental abuse, foster care, lacked any form of friends for most of middle and high school, nearly stabbed to 💀 in the army, I tend to stay away from posting negativity, bc I don't like being reminded of that shit. Every now and then tho, it does help pull the weight off my shoulders a little. The ones who actually have it rough, tend to be quiet about their personal issues, and it's painfully obvious to watch someone faking it for attention, bc they'll post about the same thing over and over, but please don't bash the ones who might have a few posts here and there, the little things always add up, and it helps to vent every now and then. Again, I agree to an extent, and respect his opinion, but not everyone is faking it for views.


You are one of the main reasons I bought a bike I don't get how people can be sad on a bike that shit brings me so much joy the motorcycle community has very much helped to improving my mental health


Completely agree. I watch so many videos trying to improve my riding technique that when I'm getting on, all I am thinking about are all the accidents the moto vloggers talk about. The creators are right to share their wisdom, but we all know the stats and risks. It should be about being focused on the ride itself and not everything that can happen.


Dude you are super lucky to have the opportunity to test and ride all these different bikes. I hope you realize how lucky you are to be able to do what some people dream and pray of having the chance to do. In this crazy ass world it’s not hard to loose sight of just how thankful you should be to be in the position you are. Sometimes things happen just by chance for people and other times people bust ass for every single thing they have. Comes easy for other and other not so much. I’m happy for you man. Just don’t ever get comfortable and complacent. Even tho shit can seem bad there are still so many good things to be thankful for. It can always be so much worse man. You’re absolutely right. Mindset is very important. It’s easier said than done. But always try to be humble and look at all the good things. Because most times there’s more good than bad. Proud of you man. Ride safe brother. You have the platform and chance to really make a difference in people’s life’s. More people look up to you and ride because of you then you can even fathom I promise you.


Omg that car driving left shoulder to a semi up until a bridge was wild 😂


"I can't afford to die right now, brehz" bro have you seen the costs of funerals??? In this economy who can afford to die?


Being someone that isn't on IG to see this, I do agree though. Hell, mental health is she primary reason I haven't ridden as much in the past year or so. Riding depressed, or angry, or whatever other negative mental state just isn't it. Riding is already risky enough. I don't need my slow reactions from depression, or an "IDGAF" attitude stacking on.


Hey brah, glad to see you still riding and making new content.
Talked to the tuner at txsuperbikes the other day and he mentioned that he had worked on some of your bikes... I was like yea hes a pretty chill guy.
Dont know if you remember the ride to abilene a couple years back but i was the guy with the white s1000 in your wheelied a nikken video. Anthony biddy was one of my good friends too.
Seen some of the heat youve gotten with the cops and law and shit, was worriwd you might be out for a while.
Be safe out there man 🏍️ keep it coming.


Just brought a GSXR 750… but after that commercial I’m on my way to Riley’s PowerSports 😅😂😂❤


Never clicked on a video so fast in my life


Brahs got so much street credit he can post whatever he wants and folks will watch. I hope one day he opens a school and teaches how to stunt ride. So many people would sign up. Best part he could really teach anywhere and save on the rent 😂
