Ammonia is NOT Your Enemy! Learning to Live With Ammonia #aquarium #nature

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Ammonia in your fish tank is nothing to be afraid of. It gets out of the water quickly and provides nutrients for various plants and bacteria in your aquarium. In a deep substrate tank, ammonia is actually beneficial.

FATHER FISH is an advocate for natural aquariums. His research over 25 years provides a wealth of information about the creation and maintenance of natural aquariums.
On this channel you will find scientific research as well as personal testimonials by countless hobbyists who have applied the Father Fish System and are enjoying its amazing benefits.

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As earlier stated it’s hard to break free from all the years of really doing what you thought was right only to discover you had no idea it was this natural, easy and cost effective. At 70 learning is still possible. If I hadn’t discovered Father Fish I would still be in the dark. Hard to believe this man in his 80’s is still changing the way we enjoy the hobby. His dedication to the cause can’t be understated. Thanks for all you do sir.


Thank you for taking away my worries regarding this. It’s hard to break out of the old thinking about things.


Hello I’ve been following father fish. I haven’t done water changes in three months in three different tanks. Parameters are perfect. Plants are healthy guppies are on their second batch of fry. I just set up a 20 gallon long dirted my first one I had to see what all the hype is about so I painted black background I went 1 inch organic potting soil mix with topsoil from the local farm 2 inches sand maybe 2 1/4 inches sand my son, and I went to a local dirt road grabbed crushed gravel and used his beach strainers for the sand lol we rinsed it white sand looks awesome I let the mud mixture sit wet for 48 hours before capping and adding water I topped a couple plants from a different tank grab some water spangles from a different tank added them with a good light put are betta in with a small filter oh yeah, I did seed it from an established set up it’s been 24 hours parameters are zero fingers crossed hopefully no ammonia Hope this helps. thank you father fish!


That is an amazing sorority you have there


never had issues with ammonia, early on my problems were mostly related to being unable to grow rooted plants as well as fish compatibility with my water perimeters. Turns out mollies are not possible to keep in my water without adding minerals in some way, other livebearers fair better but not well.

The rooted plant issue eventually solved itself since i just happened to end up making a deep substrate, its about half gravel and half sand at about 4 inches so eventually it gathered enough nutrients that the Vallisneria that had been barely growing for 2 years took off.

The only time I had an issue with disease was a mysterious cherry barb die off, out of 8 cherry barbs only one lived while the others died off over the course of a month for a reason I still am unsure of why since the cherry barbs where the only fish effected while the neons, gourami, the rams, and everything else didnt seem to be having any issues.


I'm trying the natural tank. My dirt is Turing orange and my white sand has black streaks along the sides


Thank you for clarifying this. My FF tank is about 1 month old now. Everyone seems happy and even have a few babies already. Bought a bunch of your products and have been very pleased. Recently checked the levels and the ammonia was high and was searching for the answer. Thank you!!!


Yay, I made it in another @fatherfish video! Thanks!


New tanks with High PH water may have more problems, and should test water if fish are stressed.
Test for Ammonia (just NH3), not Total Ammonia which includes Ammonium. There are vids on this PH issue.
Cheers and blessings to Father Fish and all of you!


I’be been following you for a while now. My tank is fully planted but not dirtied, but it is a deep substrate. I’m going to start it again as a dirtied tank, I’m in the UK so can’t get your mix of goodness for the soil, what am I best putting in there to help the soil stay good.


Tnx father for sharing worries answerd❤❤❤


I always do natuural and biological filteration in all of my tank both marine and freshwater


Also not only deep substrate, but also bare bottom tank which is well cycled, Ammonia is fine


I loved this one ….. another problem solved ❤


shallow substrate can be okay in a tank with a big filter and plenty of epiphytes (anubias and Java ferns) and floating/emersed plants that is well established, but it needs to be cycled very well


My tank is at .50ppm ammonia but normally switches between 0-.25ppm. I don’t know if that is an acceptable range?


The lethality of ammonia depends on the pH of the water. Ammonia becomes lethal for fish when the pH goes up; but it seldom kills fish immediately. Chlorine is 1000x more lethal than ammonia.


FF, can i put freshwater mussels in my aquarium tank?


What about nitrite? What’s the worry point when setting up?


What levels of ammonia are tolerable? Im battling an issue witha deep substrate tank and its climbing without feeding
