5 Hidden Truths About Diabetes

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Learn some important, powerful secret truths about diabetes.
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There are many misconceptions and stigmas attached to type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Learn some hidden truths to help you better understand this complex condition.

1) Changing a few key nutrients can have a dramatic positive impact on your blood sugar levels.

2) Don't blame yourself! You did not choose to be affected by diabetes. But you can choose to take positive steps to improve your health.

3) Stress is a little-known diabetes risk factor. Try to minimize your daily stress where possible.

4) Diabetes does not have to be a life (or death) sentence. Many people classified as type 1 or type 2 diabetic have learned to successfully manage their blood glucose levels for decades on end.

5) There are entire industries fueled by making you and keeping you sick.

6) Food corporations incorporate the concept of The Bliss Point to make their products highly addictive.

7) The pharmaceutical industry is dedicated to creating medicine which treats symptoms, but does not address a cure. The more you treat your symptoms, the less effective that medicine will be over time, and thus you will need to up your dosage, and, in effect, buy more of their product. If they found a cure, you would just be a one-time customer.

8) You can fight back against a world teeming with unhealthy food products, misinformation, and an over-reliance on medication.

9) Discover common sense, natural, easy-to-implement and maintain long-term solutions to the diabetes epidemic. Join Diabetes Smarts today and take your first steps on your journey towards a longer life of better health.

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Thanks. You're offering the information I haven't been able to get out 1 N.P. and 2 Dieticians. None them wanted to help on-going. In one 3-hour presentation, you're supposed to remember enough to change a life-time of bad food/eating. It doesn't
work for me. So glad you can help me to "get conscious." Thanks, again!!


Thanks for this informative channel that helps diabetic patients to know about the sickness and manage blood sugar.


I have discovered a tipical food here in my home town. Maybe this is the answer. It did lower my blood sugar. In just a week.


This is amazing I have been looking for as lifestyle diet ir management as I found normal diet s hard to manage keep on as I have also been struggling with the medicines ... so I shall keep on trying I am going to fight back yours in hope Karen


Leticia Cabuay Thank you . Very informative.


Interesting that this clip focuses so much on the consumerism of food and drug companies and then ends by trying to sell you a book / DVD set 🙄
