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TURBULENT WATERS AHEAD in this magazine game that plays like an RPG action scene.
Intro (0:00); actions in a turn (2:23); final thoughts (19:15)
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Congrats for passing the 10K subscribers !


Capn Hook's evil sister..Crochet ...+2 versus everything. ;)


They have an awesome print and play game "don't let the wolves eat your baby" and a solo game that came with an issue of Lurker magazine "house on the borderland". All of them are worth having just for the shock value and DIY appeal.


Just saw that you are on 9.99k subscribers. A lovely milestone for the channel will be reached in a few days. Well deserved! Great job!


This is AWESOME! thanks again for showing us this game. I have been very curious about their other offerings because of the art and the themes! I appreciate you taking the time to run with this one. It looks great and even 'scary' in a sense from this playthrough alone. Excellent! Cheers, Ryan


Thanks for doing this fun video. I really dig their line of folio games - this one, Freakface and Psycho Raiders. They create very unique "close up" adventure experiences for sure.


This game has the aesthetic feel of a game I backed on Kickstarter last year.
It's called Cryptic Explorers and is a skirmish game like Robert Lemon's forthcoming Battle of The Ancients.


Great to get your take on this game. Fun stuff. Good job killing the Sea Witch too. My goal with a game like this is to shoot for 90% rules accuracy and allow myself 10% improv, which leads to stat testing to sea if characters get knocked off the perch during tidal waves and hurricanes, letting the Giant Crab commandeer the ship if it reaches the helm, etc. 10% improv equals 500% fun. Sounds like you sort of roll that way too. Let us all know how you like Freakface. It looks crazy weird. In a good way.


Thanks for this video, timing is great since I was looking to purchase this game after really enjoying Psycho Raiders which is dripping with theme.


Enjoyed this very much. Looking at their website and sees many interresting titles apart from this one. Great find! Thanks!


Nate Hayden creates some awesome games. I wish I had them all. ^^


Entertaining video! Looks like like the game could use a second edition to clean up the rules and such. Nice game system; brilliant atmosphere.


This looks very interesting, too bad not made to be solo-able, but as we solo folks know, there are ways around issues.


There is no bigger game killer than a poor rulebook. I have this game currently set up on my table and I have stalled with the first event I rolled.

"Whale Fat Explosion: - A hole in the ship is created, no problem there, though I wish there were a focus on where in the galley the hole appears. Holes are tabulated on the ship's card, which seems thematically poor. A random roll of some sort could create a hole at a specific location in the galley that a whaler would need to position against to patch it up. The whalers in the galley "roll against the flames, Str 6". I do not see anywhere in the book that really explains what that means. I'm treating it as rolling 'versus' the flames. Both whalers will independently add their Strength to a D6 roll, just as the flames will. A difference in the favor of the flames will result in damage taken by each whaler who fails in the roll attempt. ...but that's just me playing using my own interpretation, which I shouldn't have to do.

Even the Event Table rules themselves are bizarre. "Some events may have a tie. If tie, roll, higher roller must conduct event." What in the world does this mean? Only one event is rolled with the 2D6, how could there be a 'tie'? If he means rolling a pair, it still doesn't make sense because a '33' for example is a '33' no matter how you look at the dice...and a '33' is "Spooky Wind Weather" regardless. Ugh.

I wish designers would take a little more time to share their rulebooks with more folks before games go to print. There are so many vague passages in this game's rulebook, alongside the strange verbage, misspellings, and weird layout and sequence of the sections. Setup is buried in section 14, rather than right after the introduction or the components manifest. Sequence of play is section 5, so the Water Rising Phase is naturally a subsection...specifically at 5.2. ..but when looking up what it entails, the description is in section 8. Either combine it, or leave the sequence of play without any directions at all.

Oddly, in section 4.6, there's a rundown of Player Aids and Tables. This is an absolute waste of space in the book. "Event Table: Generates events in event phase." So, where there's a complete lack of clarity, there's that nugget that goes overboard (no pun intended) with driving home the obvious.

"Fixing Ship Table: Determines if ship and masts can be fixed." Yeah. I'm glad THAT is cleared up.

There's so much potential in this game to be a fun, enthralling, unique experience, but I think the Dead Sea Scrolls would be easier to make sense of than this rulebook from the abyss.
