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Here is a wrap up for all the books I read in October. And September.

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Lol. People are mad at you for "acknowledging the potential" of sexism in a book so they demand for man come set you straight. Coincidence?


Haha Tell Em Elliot! I'm so proud of you for standing up for yourself & I'm so honored to be around someone here who not only cares about the feelings of other people, but respects everyone's opinions on books without being rude & defensive. I love how you educate some of these trolls on what a book review purpose is. In fact what you said there could be applied to game & movie reviews. I know you mean well in your ❤ & you only want help us love & understand books better. I love some of your October picks. I couldn't read anything cuz I spent half of October Sick. So hopefully this holiday season I can do more reading 😊. Until next time, don't apologize for anything cuz you are being you & being real. Happy Reading & Bless Day to you & everyone here. Much Care~Georgio


There's nothing worse than people who can't accept when somebody criticises their favorite book. Asking Daniel to change your opinion is so ridiculous. I mean, what's the point of a review if you're not allowed to point out a book's (potential) flaws?
I wasn't a fan of the Black Prism. I actually didn't find it that sexist, probably because so many people said it is, so I expected it to be worse if that makes sense. I can definitely see why a lot of people think it is, though! I found it more...hm...childish, like something a 15 year old would find funny.

Still need to pick up Muse of Nightmares.


Anytime I hear Fullmetal Alchemist I think of that one episode of "Brotherhood" with the dog and the little girl. That still has to one of the darkest episodes on any show, animated or not.


That stuff with Black Prism and involving Daniel was so ridiculous. Laia’s the worst?? Hahaha I can’t wait to read Reaper and see what that’s about lol. Aww yay you loved Muse! I can’t wait to read it - I should get to it this month, maybe early next month. You’ve got me more intrigued about Ash Princess!


Dont ever worry about people being mad about your reviews! I love that book but I really appreciate your review! It was honest and thorough, but you weren't unesisarily hateful! Keep doing what you do!
On a happier note! I feel the same about a reaper at the gates, it's fun but not amazing lol. I've been meaning to pick up strange the dreamer!


I agree I am very proud of you for standing up for yourself to as well but I am interested in your most anticipated book for 2019 I know mine is peace in turmoil


Good reading month(s)! Excited for Skyward and Shadow of the Fox!
I am really enjoying Dry! Like Scythe it has a lot of social commentary but feels more hyperbolic in that commentary where scythe was more subtle. I'm hoping to finish it soon!


You talked about Full Metal Alchemist a few months ago on your channel and so I gave them a try and I LOVE THEM!!! These are the first Mangas I've ever read and I just love the story and characters so much!! Thanks! :D


Hi sorry for the late replay and watching ur video late ... I always look forward watching ur books reviews.... oathbringer is so amazing!! Hi I’m so excited about skyward by Brandon Sanderson!! Happy reading to everyone and thank u to everyone make me feel part of ur YouTube friends!!


Just started picking up manga/ graphic novels for the first time this year and I think I'm going to add full metal alchemist to my ever growing TBR. I think we have pretty similar book taste so, thanks for the recommendation!!


Jeez even book tube is not free of drama. For fucks sake people, these are books! Don't try and breed drama in a hobby like reading. Opinions. People are entitled to them.

Elliot you do you. I love both your and Daniel's channel. Just keep doing what you do best. Which is talk about books. Cheers!


Keep up your QUALITY AND WONDERFUL book reviews- it amazes me how closed and single minded people can be in the face of opinions or thoughts that differ from their own. It is just amazing.
I started FMA yesterday :D


people can be pretty silly. keep doing amazing reviews as always 💜gosh I really wanna read Full Metal Alchemist!


Great wrap-up, Elle. You're very easy to listen to :^)


Not really related to this video, but I just started the way of Kings on my Kindle e-reader and Skyward with the physical book at the same time. I'm still not decided on whether that was a magnificent decision or potentially overwhelming decision. I guess we'll see haha


You are such a beautiful, intelligent, and well-versed Booktuber, Elliot. Don't let these small-minded and sensitive children get ya down. Personally, I read Black Prism and I quite liked it. Enough to keep reading the series. Not once did I ever think it was sexist. But that's just me. You can't say anything anymore without someone getting upset, so you keep making awesome videos, girl -- I always get so excited for them!


Fullmetal Alchemist is absolutely amazing!


I actually really loved The Black Prism. I didn’t pick up on the sexism when I read it, but Emily Fox’s review helped me see why some people would feel that way. Regardless, I appreciate hearing differing opinions on popular books.


I really need to watch Full Metal Alchemist!
