FPGA I2C Communication

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I2C communication from a master to a slave.
Master: Artix7 (Nexys4)
Slave: Spartan6 (Nexys3)
SCL frequency: 100Khz (10us period)
SDA bit time: 10us
Transaction was to transmit stat, slave address+write bit, wait for acknowledge from slave, data, wait for acknowledge again, and then stop
Slave Address is 7’h27 and the data is 8’hBB.
Master: Artix7 (Nexys4)
Slave: Spartan6 (Nexys3)
SCL frequency: 100Khz (10us period)
SDA bit time: 10us
Transaction was to transmit stat, slave address+write bit, wait for acknowledge from slave, data, wait for acknowledge again, and then stop
Slave Address is 7’h27 and the data is 8’hBB.
FPGA I2C Communication
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