M4 iPad Pro: One Month Later - iPadOS 18 Saves It?

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Plenty of us don't have a M ipad...and for me at least, the oled screen gives me a big reason to buy up.


I have the 11 Pro 2018 and just pulled the trigger on the M4 13. I had the original 12.9 iPad Pro and went away from it in 2018 due to the weight. The thinnest of this product made me go back to the larger model. I almost got the nano texture but I was concerned about damaging the surface after seeing one damaged on display at Apple Store. Guy said they must have used the wrong cloth. Did not want to take the chance but the nano texture does look great.


Its funny how people who dont need an ipad make these reviews and say „ ooh i just browse the internet and watch youtube this is overpowered and stuff „ bullshit.
None of them studies or makes art or music to see how fucking nice it is to take your headphones and your ipad with and make music on logic pro or make exel tables or docs or whatever for university without having to carry a whole laptop


13 inches is the maximum size it should be; that defeats the purpose of being a tablet if it's bigger. You are losing the portability aspect. It comes down to taste.


1:38 finally someone pointed out. I’ve been noticing on all videos


i still own the 2018 iPad Pro. Mostly use it for media consumption, text messaging, emails, social media, browsing and occassional Call of Duty. It just have enough power to run everything for me. Never felt like upgrading. Its true, Apple really is competing with themselves right now. They really need to come up with an exceptional upgrade to iPads for people like us to buy newer ones.


For me, it’s another computer, it’s my computer of choice


I love Apple products, hands down. But when I needed a tablet this year I got the Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ with 11' LCD and only 4gb memory.

To read books, surf, and able to add Bluetooth keyboard and mouse I can do some wordpressing.

Is the iPad pro a bit crisper? Thinner? Faster? Exclusive apps? Sure. But I paid 159 usd for it.


As someone who went from m1 iPad pro 11 to m4 iPad pro 13 I can say it's a big upgrade. The screen, battery life, pro pencil, and the power of the M4 during my heavy edits on Adobe are all big upgrades for me. The color accuracy of the screen was huge as a photographer, and the speakers are out of this world for content. Couldn't recommend it enough if you have the $1500 to shell out.


The direction of the volume buttons change with the orientation of your screen through software if you put it in portrait mode, it’s just as it always was


Sticking to M2 Macbook Air. You are right the iPad is probably better on the airplane lol. Well my 2nd Gen iPad Pro 12.9 is still doing great.


I had the M1 iPad Pro but I had the 11” so my screen was lcd and I am so so happy with the screen on my m4 13” ❤


Thanks for videos . I love your wallpapers. Where did you get it?


I'm returning my 13" iPad, since it's just too big. It's heavier, and basically all entertainment based activities are less fun on the bigger device. The way you can reach everything nicer, as well as just simple having the whole screen in your vision when holding it, is just nicer on the 11". On the 13" you'll need to hold the ipad further away from your face a decent amount in comparsion, which is esspecially terrible for short-sighted people while in bed, without glasses. That distance can be the difference between cristal clear and pretty blurry.

However, for managing my project with excel and visio, as well as using the apple pencil for note taking, the 13" was better for sure- but the 11" is still very workable as a 2nd monitor for your mac and the apple pencil.


I’m still rocking the iPad Pro 2018 and until last year I did use it for a lot of my professional graphic design job and as well as for my indie comic creation.

Because of the lack of software, I haven’t really feel the need to upgrade the iPad yet.


I don’t get what you guys are missing. The iPad doesn’t need saved. It’s an iPad. If you’re looking for a Mac, why the hell would you buy an iPad?


I personally don’t mind iPad OS but it needs a better filter system for sure, i would say if they port Finder into the iPad is perfect


Great video! You covered everything I was thinking myself


You’re the first person that I’ve heard say that the iPad needs to be bigger as many other people, including myself feel that the 11 inch is the perfect mobility device to complement a MacBook especially if you have those MacBook pros 16 inch ones


Should nt remove any features for camera. I use my mini the most, pro collects dust.
